/* Contributed by Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com>, October 2010. */ /* { dg-do compile } */ #include <objc/objc.h> @interface MyRootClass { Class isa; id property_a; int property_b; int property_c; int property_d; id property_e; id property_f; id property_g; id property_h; } /* Test various error messages. */ @property id property_a; /* { dg-warning "object property .property.a. has no .assign., .retain. or .copy. attribute" } */ /* { dg-message ".assign. can be unsafe for Objective-C objects" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } */ @property int property_b = 4; /* { dg-error "expected" } */ @property (retain) int property_c; /* { dg-error ".retain. attribute is only valid for Objective-C objects" } */ @property (copy) int property_d; /* { dg-error ".copy. attribute is only valid for Objective-C objects" } */ @property (retain) id property_e; /* { dg-line property_e_first } */ @property (retain) id property_f; @property (retain) id property_g; @property (retain) id property_h; @property (retain) id property_e; /* { dg-error "redeclaration of property .property_e." } */ /* { dg-message "originally specified here" "" { target *-*-* } property_e_first } */ @end @property id test; /* { dg-error "property declaration not in .interface or .protocol context" } */