/* Contributed by Nicola Pero , May 2011. */ /* { dg-do compile } */ /* { dg-options "-Wall" } */ #include #include @interface MyArray { Class isa; } + (void) addObject: (id)object __attribute__ ((nonnull)); - (void) addObject: (id)object __attribute__ ((nonnull)); + (void) insertObject: (id)object atIndex: (size_t)index __attribute__ ((nonnull (1))); - (void) insertObject: (id)object atIndex: (size_t)index __attribute__ ((nonnull (1))); + (void) insertObject: (id)object atIndex: (size_t)index andObject: (id)anotherObject atIndex: (size_t)anotherIndex __attribute__ ((nonnull (1, 3))); - (void) insertObject: (id)object atIndex: (size_t)index andObject: (id)anotherObject atIndex: (size_t)anotherIndex __attribute__ ((nonnull (1, 3))); /* Test the behavior with invalid code. */ + (void) removeObject: (id)object __attribute__ ((nonnull (0))); /* { dg-warning "does not refer to a function parameter" } */ - (void) removeObject: (id)object __attribute__ ((nonnull (0))); /* { dg-warning "does not refer to a function parameter" } */ + (void) removeObject: (id)object __attribute__ ((nonnull (2))); /* { dg-warning "exceeds the number of function parameters 3" } */ - (void) removeObject: (id)object __attribute__ ((nonnull (2))); /* { dg-warning "exceeds the number of function parameters 3" } */ + (void) removeObjectAtIndex: (size_t)object __attribute__ ((nonnull (1))); /* { dg-warning "refers to parameter type .size_t." } */ - (void) removeObjectAtIndex: (size_t)object __attribute__ ((nonnull (1))); /* { dg-warning "refers to parameter type .size_t." } */ + (void) removeObject: (id)object __attribute__ ((nonnull (MyArray))); /* { dg-warning "is invalid" } */ - (void) removeObject: (id)object __attribute__ ((nonnull (MyArray))); /* { dg-warning "is invalid" } */ @end void test (MyArray *object) { [object addObject: object]; [object addObject: nil]; /* { dg-warning "null argument where non-null required" } */ [object insertObject: object atIndex: 4]; [object insertObject: nil atIndex: 4]; /* { dg-warning "null argument where non-null required" } */ [object insertObject: object atIndex: 2 andObject: object atIndex: 3]; [object insertObject: nil atIndex: 2 andObject: object atIndex: 3]; /* { dg-warning "null argument where non-null required" } */ [object insertObject: object atIndex: 2 andObject: nil atIndex: 3]; /* { dg-warning "null argument where non-null required" } */ }