# Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see # . load_lib gcc-dg.exp # Remove VALUE from LIST_VARIABLE. proc lremove {list_variable value} { upvar 1 $list_variable var set idx [lsearch -exact $var $value] set var [lreplace $var $idx $idx] } # Define gcc callbacks for dg.exp. proc gnat-dg-test { prog do_what extra_tool_flags } { if { $do_what == "compile" } { lappend extra_tool_flags "-c" lappend extra_tool_flags "-u" } set result [gcc-dg-test-1 gnat_target_compile $prog $do_what $extra_tool_flags] # Remove additional output files apart from $output_file, which may be # needed by dg-final. set output_file [lindex $result 1] set basename [file rootname $output_file] set clean_result [remote_exec host [find_gnatclean] "-c -q -n $basename"] if { [lindex $clean_result 0] != -1 } { set clean_files [lindex $clean_result 1] # Purge NL from clean_files. regsub -all "\[\r\n\]+" $clean_files " " clean_files # Remove ./ so lremove works. regsub -all "\./" $clean_files "" clean_files lremove clean_files $output_file eval remote_file host delete $clean_files } return $result } proc gnat-dg-prune { system text } { global additional_prunes lappend additional_prunes "gnatmake" lappend additional_prunes "compilation abandoned" lappend additional_prunes "fatal error: maximum errors reached" lappend additional_prunes "linker input file" return [gcc-dg-prune $system $text] } # Utility routines. # # gnat_load -- wrapper around default gnat_load to declare tasking tests # unsupported on platforms that lack such support # if { [info procs gnat_load] != [list] \ && [info procs prev_gnat_load] == [list] } { rename gnat_load prev_gnat_load proc gnat_load { program args } { upvar name testcase set result [eval [list prev_gnat_load $program] $args] set output [lindex $result 1] if { [regexp "tasking not implemented" $output] } { return [list "unsupported" $output] } return $result } } # Local Variables: # tcl-indent-level:4 # End: