# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see # . # helper to deal with fortran modules # Remove files for specified Fortran modules. # This includes both .mod and .smod files. proc cleanup-modules { modlist } { global clean foreach mod [concat $modlist $clean] { set m [string tolower $mod].mod verbose "cleanup-module `$m'" 2 if [is_remote host] { remote_file host delete $m } remote_file build delete $m } cleanup-submodules $modlist } # Remove files for specified Fortran submodules. proc cleanup-submodules { modlist } { global clean foreach mod [concat $modlist $clean] { set m [string tolower $mod].smod verbose "cleanup-submodule `$m'" 2 if [is_remote host] { remote_file host delete $m } remote_file build delete $m } } proc keep-modules { modlist } { global clean # if the modlist is empty, keep everything if {[llength $modlist] < 1} { set clean {} } else { set cleansed {} foreach cl $clean { if {[lsearch $cl $modlist] < 0} { lappend cleansed $cl } } if {[llength $clean] == [llength $cleansed]} { warning "keep-modules had no effect?! Possible typo in module name." } set clean $cleansed } } # collect all module names from a source-file proc list-module-names { files } { global clean set clean {} foreach file $files { foreach mod [list-module-names-1 $file] { if {[lsearch $clean $mod] < 0} { lappend clean $mod } } } return [join $clean " "] } proc list-module-names-1 { file } { set result {} if {[file isdirectory $file]} {return} # Find lines containing INCLUDE, MODULE, and SUBMODULE, excluding the lines containing # MODULE [PURE|(IMPURE\s+)?ELEMENTAL|RECURSIVE] (PROCEDURE|FUNCTION|SUBROUTINE) set pat {^\s*((#)?\s*include|(sub)?module(?!\s+((pure|(impure\s+)?elemental|recursive)\s+)?(procedure|function|subroutine)[:\s]+))\s*.*} set tmp [igrep $file $pat line] if {![string match "" $tmp]} { foreach i $tmp { regexp -nocase {(\d+)\s+#?\s*include\s+["']([^"']*)["']} $i dummy lineno include_file if {[info exists include_file]} { set dir [file dirname $file] set inc "$dir/$include_file" unset include_file if {![file readable $inc]} { # We do not currently use include path search logic, punt continue } verbose "Line $lineno includes `$inc'" 3 foreach mod [list-module-names-1 $inc] { if {[lsearch $result $mod] < 0} { lappend result $mod } } continue } regexp -nocase {(\d+)\s+(module|submodule)\s*([^;]*)} $i i lineno keyword mod if {![info exists mod]} { continue } # Generates the file name mod_name@submod_name from # (\s*mod_name[:submod_name]\s*)\s*submod_name\s*[! comment] regsub {\s*!.*} $mod "" mod regsub {:[^)]*} $mod "" mod regsub {\(\s*} $mod "" mod regsub {\s*\)\s*} $mod "@" mod verbose "Line $lineno mentions module `$mod'" 3 if {[lsearch $result $mod] < 0} { lappend result $mod } } } return $result } # Looks for case insensitive occurrences of a string in a file. # return:list of lines that matched or NULL if none match. # args: first arg is the filename, # second is the pattern, # third are any options. # Options: line - puts line numbers of match in list # proc igrep { args } { set file [lindex $args 0] set pattern [lindex $args 1] verbose "Grepping $file for the pattern \"$pattern\"" 3 set argc [llength $args] if { $argc > 2 } { for { set i 2 } { $i < $argc } { incr i } { append options [lindex $args $i] append options " " } } else { set options "" } set i 0 set fd [open $file r] while { [gets $fd cur_line]>=0 } { incr i if {[regexp -nocase -- "$pattern" $cur_line match]} { if {![string match "" $options]} { foreach opt $options { switch $opt { "line" { lappend grep_out [concat $i $match] } } } } else { lappend grep_out $match } } } close $fd unset fd unset i if {![info exists grep_out]} { set grep_out "" } return $grep_out }