#   Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#   Written by Ian Lance Taylor <iant@google.com>.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Test using the testsuite for the gc Go compiler.  In these tests the
# first line is a shell script to run.  That line expects the
# following environment variables to be set:
#   A   The file extension of the object file and the name of the executable
#   G   The name of the compiler
#   L   The name of the linker
#   F   The basename of the test
#   D   The directory of the test.
# Typical command lines:
# // compile
# // run
# // $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
# // $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A || echo BUG: known to fail incorrectly
# // $G $D/$F.go && echo BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
# // $G $D/$F.go || echo BUG: compilation should succeed

load_lib go-dg.exp
load_lib go-torture.exp
load_lib target-supports.exp

# Compare two files
proc filecmp { file1 file2 testname } {
    set f1 [open $file1 r]
    set f2 [open $file2 r]
    set ok 1
    while { [gets $f1 line1] >= 0 } {
	if { [gets $f2 line2] < 0 } {
	    verbose -log "output mismatch: $file2 shorter than $file1"
	    set ok 0
	if { $line1 != $line2 } {
	    verbose -log "output mismatch comparing $file1 and $file2"
	    verbose -log "expected \"$line1\""
	    verbose -log "got      \"$line2\""
	    set ok 0
    if { [gets $f2 line2] >= 0 } {
	verbose -log "output mismatch: $file1 shorter than $file2"
	set ok 0
    close $f1
    close $f2
    if { ! $ok } {
	fail $testname
    } else {
	pass $testname

# Implement errchk
proc errchk { test opts } {
    global dg-do-what-default
    global runtests

    set saved-dg-do-what-default ${dg-do-what-default}
    set dg-do-what-default compile
    set filename [file tail $test]
    if { "$filename" == "$test" } {
	set filename "errchk-$filename"
    set fdin [open $test r]
    fconfigure $fdin -encoding binary
    set fdout [open $filename w]
    fconfigure $fdout -encoding binary
    while { [gets $fdin copy_line] >= 0 } {
	if [string match "*////*" $copy_line] {
	    puts $fdout $copy_line

	# Combine quoted strings in comments, so that
	# // ERROR "first error" "second error"
	# turns into
	# // ERROR "first error|second error"
	# This format is used by the master testsuite to recognize
	# multiple errors on a single line.  We don't require that all
	# the errors be present, but we do want to accept any of them.
	set changed ""
	while { $changed != $copy_line } {
	    set changed $copy_line
	    regsub "\(// \[^\"\]*\"\[^\"\]*\)\" \"" $copy_line "\\1|" out_line
	    set copy_line $out_line

	regsub "// \(GCCGO_\)?ERROR \"\(\[^\"\]*\)\".*$" $copy_line "// \{ dg-error \"\\2\" \}" out_line
	if [string match "*dg-error*\\\[*" $out_line] {
	    set index [string first "dg-error" $out_line]
	    regsub -start $index -all "\\\\\\\[" $out_line "\\\\\\\\\\\[" out_line
	if [string match "*dg-error*\\\]*" $out_line] {
	    set index [string first "dg-error" $out_line]
	    regsub -start $index -all "\\\\\\\]" $out_line "\\\\\\\\\\\]" out_line
	if [string match "*dg-error*.\**" $out_line] {
	    # I worked out the right number of backslashes by
	    # experimentation, not analysis.
	    regsub -all "\\.\\*" $out_line "\\\\\[ -~\\\\\]*" out_line
	if [string match "*dg-error*\\\[?\\\]*" $out_line] {
	    set index [string first "dg-error" $out_line]
	    regsub -all "\\\[\(.\)\\\]" $out_line "\\\\\[\\1\\\\\]" out_line
	if [string match "*dg-error*\{*" $out_line] {
	    set index [string first "dg-error" $out_line]
	    regsub -start $index -all "\(\[^\\\\]\)\{" $out_line "\\1\\\\\[\\\{\\\\\]" out_line
	if [string match "*dg-error*\}*\}" $out_line] {
	    set index [string first "dg-error" $out_line]
	    regsub -start $index -all "\(\[^\\\\]\)\}\(.\)" $out_line "\\1\\\\\[\\\}\\\\\]\\2" out_line
	if [string match "*dg-error*\(*" $out_line] {
	    set index [string first "dg-error" $out_line]
	    regsub -start $index -all "\\\\\\\(" $out_line "\\\\\[\\\(\\\\\]" out_line
	if [string match "*dg-error*\)*\}" $out_line] {
	    set index [string first "dg-error" $out_line]
	    regsub -start $index -all "\\\\\\\)\(.\)" $out_line "\\\\\[\\\)\\\\\]\\1" out_line
	# Special case for bug332, in which the error message wants to
	# match the file name, which is not what dg-error expects.
	if [string match "*dg-error*bug332*" $out_line] {
	    set index [string first "dg-error" $out_line]
	    regsub -start $index "bug332" $out_line "undefined type" out_line
	puts $fdout $out_line
    close $fdin
    close $fdout

    set hold_runtests $runtests
    set runtests "go-test.exp"
    go-dg-runtest $filename "" "-fno-show-column $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS $opts"
    set runtests $hold_runtests

    file delete $filename
    set dg-do-what-default ${saved-dg-do-what-default}

# This is an execution test which should fail.
proc go-execute-xfail { test } {
    global runtests

    set filename [file tail $test]
    set fdin [open $test r]
    set fdout [open $filename w]
    puts $fdout "// { dg-do run { xfail *-*-* } }"
    while { [gets $fdin copy_line] >= 0 } {
	puts $fdout $copy_line
    close $fdin
    close $fdout

    set hold_runtests $runtests
    set runtests "go-test.exp"
    go-dg-runtest $filename "" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
    set runtests $hold_runtests

    file delete $filename

# N.B. Keep in sync with libgo/configure.ac.
proc go-set-goarch { } {
    global target_triplet

    switch -glob $target_triplet {
	"aarch64*-*-*" {
	    set goarch "arm64"
	"alpha*-*-*" {
	    set goarch "alpha"
	"arm*-*-*" -
	"ep9312*-*-*" -
	"strongarm*-*-*" -
	"xscale-*-*" {
	    set goarch "arm"
	"i?86-*-*" -
	"x86_64-*-*" {
	    if [check_effective_target_ia32] {
		set goarch "386"
	    } elseif [check_effective_target_x32] {
		set goarch "amd64p32"
	    } else {
		set goarch "amd64"
	"mips*-*-*" {
	    if [check_no_compiler_messages mipso32 assembly {
		#if _MIPS_SIM != _ABIO32
		#error FOO
	    }] {
		set goarch "mips"
	    } elseif [check_no_compiler_messages mipsn32 assembly {
		#if _MIPS_SIM != _ABIN32
		#error FOO
	    }] {
		set goarch "mips64p32"
	    } elseif [check_no_compiler_messages mipsn64 assembly {
		#if _MIPS_SIM != _ABI64
		#error FOO
	    }] {
		set goarch "mips64"
	    } else {
		perror "$target_triplet: unrecognized MIPS ABI"
		return ""

	    if [istarget "mips*el-*-*"] {
		append goarch "le"
	"powerpc*-*-*" {
	    if [check_effective_target_ilp32] {
		set goarch "ppc"
	    } else {
		if [istarget "powerpc64le-*-*"] {
		    set goarch "ppc64le"
		} else {
		    set goarch "ppc64"
	"riscv64-*-*" {
	    set goarch "riscv64"
	"s390*-*-*" {
	    if [check_effective_target_ilp32] {
		set goarch "s390"
	    } else {
		set goarch "s390x"
	"sparc*-*-*" {
	    if [check_effective_target_ilp32] {
		set goarch "sparc"
	    } else {
		set goarch "sparc64"
	default {
	    perror "$target_triplet: unhandled architecture"
	    return ""
    verbose -log "Setting GOARCH=$goarch" 1
    setenv GOARCH $goarch

# Take a list of files and return a lists of lists, where each list is
# the set of files in the same package.
proc go-find-packages { test name files } {
    set packages [list]
    foreach f $files {
	set fd [open $f r]
	while 1 {
	    if { [gets $fd line] < 0 } {
		close $fd
		clone_output "$test: could not read $f"
		unresolved $name
		return [list]

	    if { [regexp "^package (\\w+)" $line match package] } {
		set len [llength $packages]
		for { set i 0 } { $i < $len } { incr i } {
		    set p [lindex $packages $i]
		    if { [lindex $p 0] == $package } {
			lappend p $f
			lset packages $i $p
		if { $i >= $len } {
		    lappend packages [list $package $f]

		close $fd
    return $packages

proc go-gc-tests { } {
    global srcdir subdir
    global runtests
    global GCC_UNDER_TEST
    global TOOL_OPTIONS
    global dg-do-what-default
    global go_compile_args
    global go_execute_args
    global target_triplet

    # If a testcase doesn't have special options, use these.
    if ![info exists DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS] {
	set DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS " -pedantic-errors"

    set options ""
    lappend options "additional_flags=$DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"

    # Set GOARCH for tests that need it.

    # Running all the torture options takes too long and, since the
    # frontend ignores the standard options, it doesn't significantly
    # improve testing.
    set saved_torture_options $TORTURE_OPTIONS
    set TORTURE_OPTIONS [list { -O2 -g }]

    set saved-dg-do-what-default ${dg-do-what-default}

    set testdir [pwd]

    set tests [lsort [find $srcdir/$subdir *.go]]
    foreach test $tests {
	if ![runtest_file_p $runtests $test] {

	# Skip the files in bench; they are not tests.
	if [string match "*go.test/test/bench/*" $test] {

	# Skip the files in stress; they are not tests.
	if [string match "*go.test/test/stress/*" $test] {

	# Skip the files in safe; gccgo does not support safe mode.
	if [string match "*go.test/test/safe/*" $test] {

	# Skip files in sub-subdirectories: they are components of
	# other tests.
	if [string match "*go.test/test/*/*/*" $test] {

	# Skip files in *.dir subdirectories: they are components of
	# other tests.
	if [string match "*go.test/test/*.dir/*" $test] {

	set name [dg-trim-dirname $srcdir $test]

	# Skip certain tests if target is RTEMS OS.
	if [istarget "*-*-rtems*"] {
	    if { [string match "*go.test/test/args.go" $test] \
		 || [string match "*go.test/test/env.go" $test] } {
		    untested "$name: uses the command-line or environment variables"

	    if { [string match "*go.test/test/stack.go" $test] \
		 || [string match "*go.test/test/peano.go" $test] \
		 || [string match "*go.test/test/chan/goroutines.go" $test] } {
		    untested "$name: has very high memory requirement"

	# Handle certain tests in a target-dependant way.
	if { [istarget "alpha*-*-*"] || [istarget "sparc*-*-solaris*"] || [istarget "powerpc*-*-*"] || [istarget "s390*-*-*"] } {
	    if { [string match "*go.test/test/nilptr.go" $test] } {
		untested $test

	if [check_effective_target_pie_enabled] {
	    untested $test

	if { [file tail $test] == "init1.go" } {
	    # This tests whether GC runs during init, which for gccgo
	    # it currently does not.
	    untested $name

	if { [file tail $test] == "closure.go" } {
	    # This tests whether function closures do any memory
	    # allocation, which for gccgo they currently do.
	    untested $name

	if { ( [file tail $test] == "select2.go" \
		   || [file tail $test] == "stack.go" \
		   || [file tail $test] == "peano.go" \
		   || [file tail $test] == "nilptr2.go" ) \
		 && ! [check_effective_target_split_stack] } {
	    # These tests fails on targets without split stack.
	    untested $name

	if [string match "*go.test/test/rotate\[0123\].go" $test] {
	    # These tests produces a temporary file that takes too long
	    # to compile--5 minutes on my laptop without optimization.
	    # When compiling without optimization it tests nothing
	    # useful, since the point of the test is to see whether
	    # the compiler generates rotate instructions.
	    untested $name

	if { [file tail $test] == "bug347.go" \
		 || [file tail $test] == "bug348.go" } {
	    # These tests don't work if the functions are inlined.
	    set TORTURE_OPTIONS [list { -O0 -g }]

	set fd [open $test r]

	set lines_ok 1

	while 1 {
	    if { [gets $fd test_line] < 0 } {
		close $fd
		clone_output "$test: could not read first line"
		unresolved $name
		set lines_ok 0

	    if { [ string match "*nacl*exit 0*" $test_line ] \
		     || [ string match "*exit 0*nacl*" $test_line ] \
		     || [ string match "*Android*exit 0*" $test_line ] \
		     || [ string match "*exit 0*Android*" $test_line ] \
		     || [ string match "*\"\$GOOS\" == windows*" $test_line ] } {

	    if { [ string match "// +build *" $test_line ] } {
		set matches_pos 0
		set matches_neg 0
		if { [ regexp -line "\[ 	\][getenv GOARCH]\(\[ 	\]\|\$\)" $test_line ] } {
		    set matches_pos 1
		} elseif { [ regexp -line "\[ 	\]\![getenv GOARCH]\(\[ 	\]\|\$\)" $test_line ] } {
		    set matches_neg 1
		} elseif { [ regexp -line "\[ 	\]linux\(\[ 	\]\|\$\)" $test_line ] } {
		    set matches_pos 1
		} elseif { [ regexp -line "\[ 	\]\!linux\(\[ 	\]\|\$\)" $test_line ] } {
		    set matches_neg 1
		} elseif { [ regexp -line "\[ 	\]\!windows\(\[ 	\]\|\$\)" $test_line ] } {
		    set matches_pos 1
		} elseif { [ regexp -line "\[ 	\]windows\(\[ 	\]\|\$\)" $test_line ] } {
		    set matches_neg 1
		if { $matches_pos == 1 && $matches_neg == 0 } {
		close $fd
		unsupported $name
		set lines_ok 0


	if { $lines_ok == 0 } {

	set lineno 1
	set test_line1 $test_line

	while { [eval "string match \"//*&&\" \${test_line$lineno}"] } {
	    set lineno [expr $lineno + 1]
	    if { [eval "gets \$fd test_line$lineno"] < 0 } {
		close $fd
		clone_output "$test: could not read line $lineno"
		unresolved $name
		set lines_ok 0
	if { $lines_ok == 0 } {

	close $fd

	# runtest_file_p is already run above, and the code below can run
	# runtest_file_p again, make sure everything for this test is
	# performed if the above runtest_file_p decided this runtest
	# instance should execute the test
	gcc_parallel_test_enable 0

	set go_compile_args ""
	set go_execute_args ""
	if { [regexp "// run (\[^|&>2\].*)\$" $test_line match progargs] \
		 && ! [string match "*.go*" "$progargs"] } {
	    set go_execute_args $progargs
	    verbose -log "$test: go_execute_args is $go_execute_args"
	    set index [string last " $progargs" $test_line]
	    set test_line [string replace $test_line $index end]
	} elseif { [string match "*go.test/test/chan/goroutines.go" $test] \
		   && [getenv GCCGO_RUN_ALL_TESTS] == "" } {
	    # goroutines.go spawns by default 10000 threads, which is too much
	    # for many OSes.
	    if { [getenv GCC_TEST_RUN_EXPENSIVE] == "" } {
		set go_execute_args 64
	    } elseif { ![is_remote host] && ![is_remote target] } {
		# When using low ulimit -u limit, use maximum of
		# a quarter of that limit and 10000 even when running expensive
		# tests, otherwise parallel tests might fail after fork failures.
		set nproc [lindex [remote_exec host {sh -c ulimit\ -u}] 1]
		if { [string is integer -strict $nproc] } {
			set nproc [expr $nproc / 4]
			if { $nproc > 10000 } { set nproc 10000 }
			if { $nproc < 16 } { set nproc 16 }
			set go_execute_args $nproc
	    if { "$go_execute_args" != "" } {
		verbose -log "$test: go_execute_args is $go_execute_args"

	if { $test_line == "// compile"
	     || $test_line == "// echo bug395 is broken  # takes 90+ seconds to break" } {
	    # This is a vanilla compile test.
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    go-dg-runtest $test "" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	} elseif { $test_line == "// run"
		   || $test_line == "// \$G \$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ./\$A.out" } {
	    # This is a vanilla execution test.
	    go-torture-execute $test
	    file delete core [glob -nocomplain core.*]
	} elseif { $test_line == "// build" } {
	    # This is a vanilla compile and link test.
	    set dg-do-what-default "link"
	    go-dg-runtest $test "" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	} elseif { [string match "// runoutput*" $test_line] \
		       || ($test_line == "// \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A &&"
			   && $test_line2 == "// ./\$A.out >tmp.go && \$G tmp.go && \$L -o \$A.out1 tmp.\$A && ./\$A.out1") } {
	    # Run the test to get a .go program to run.
	    set go_execute_args ""
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set files [list]
	    if { [string match "// runoutput*" $test_line] } {
		set args ""
		regsub "// runoutput\(.*\)" $test_line "\\1" args
		foreach f $args {
		    lappend files "[file dirname $test]/$f"
	    set dg-do-what-default "link"
	    dg-test -keep-output $test "-O" "$files -w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    set base "[file rootname [file tail $test]]"
	    if [isnative] {
		if { [catch "exec $output_file >$base-out.go"] != 0 } {
		    fail "$name execution"
		} else {
		    pass "$name execution"
		    file delete $base-out.x
		    # Disable optimizations as some of these tests
		    # take a long time to compile.
		    set TORTURE_OPTIONS [list { -O0 -g -fno-var-tracking-assignments }]
		    go-torture-execute "./$base-out.go"
		file delete $base-out.go
	    file delete $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// cmpout" \
		   || $test_line == "// (\$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ./\$A.out 2>&1 | cmp - \$D/\$F.out)" } {
	    # This is an execution test for which we need to check the
	    # program output.
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "link"
	    dg-test -keep-output $test "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    set base "[file rootname [file tail $test]]"
	    if [isnative] {
		verbose -log "$output_file >$base.p 2>&1"
		if { [catch "exec $output_file 2>$base.p" catcherr] != 0 } {
		    verbose -log $catcherr
		    fail "$name execution"
		    untested "$name compare"
		} else {
		    pass "$name execution"
		    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".out" expect
		    filecmp $expect $base.p "$name compare"
		    file delete $output_file
		file delete $base.p
	    } else {
		untested "$name execution"
		untested "$name compare"
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { [string match "// \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ! ./\$A.out || echo BUG: *" \
		    $test_line] } {
	    go-execute-xfail $test
	} elseif { $test_line == "// errorcheck" } {
	    errchk $test ""
	} elseif { $test_line == "// errorcheckdir" } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dir "[file rootname $test].dir"
	    set files [lsort [glob "$dir/*.go"]]
	    set packages [go-find-packages $test $name $files]
	    if { [llength $packages] > 0 } {
		set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
		set del [list]
		set last [lindex $packages end]
		set packages [lreplace $packages end end]
		foreach p $packages {
		    dg-test -keep-output [lrange $p 1 end] "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
		    lappend del "[file rootname [file tail [lindex $p 1]]].o"
		errchk [lindex $last 1] "[lrange $last 2 end]"
		foreach f $del {
		    file delete $f
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { [string match "// errorcheckoutput*" $test_line] } {
	    # Run the test to get a .go program to error check.
	    set go_execute_args ""
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set files [list]
	    regsub "// errorcheckoutput\(.*\)" $test_line "\\1" args
	    foreach f $args {
		lappend files "[file dirname $test]/$f"
	    set dg-do-what-default "link"
	    dg-test -keep-output $test "-O" "$files -w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    set base "[file rootname [file tail $test]]"
	    if [isnative] {
		if { [catch "exec $output_file >$base-out.go"] != 0 } {
		    fail "$name execution"
		} else {
		    pass "$name execution"
		    errchk "$base-out.go" ""
		file delete $base-out.go
	    file delete $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// compiledir" } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    set dir "[file rootname $test].dir"
	    set files [lsort [glob "$dir/*.go"]]
	    set packages [go-find-packages $test $name $files]
	    if { [llength $packages] > 0 } {
		set del [list]
		foreach p $packages {
		    dg-test -keep-output [lindex $p 1] "[lrange $p 2 end] -O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
		    lappend del "[file rootname [file tail [lindex $p 1]]].o"
		foreach f $del {
		    file delete $f
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// rundir" } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dir "[file rootname $test].dir"
	    set files [lsort [glob "$dir/*.go"]]
	    set packages [go-find-packages $test $name $files]
	    if { [llength $packages] > 0 } {
		set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
		set del [list]
		set last [lindex $packages end]
		set packages [lreplace $packages end end]
		foreach p $packages {
		    dg-test -keep-output [lrange $p 1 end] "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
		    lappend del "[file rootname [file tail [lindex $p 1]]].o"
		set dg-do-what-default "link"
		set go_compile_args ""
		append go_compile_args [lrange $last 2 end]
		append go_compile_args $del
		go-torture-execute [lindex $last 1]
		foreach f $del {
		    file delete $f
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// rundircmpout" } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dir "[file rootname $test].dir"
	    set files [lsort [glob "$dir/*.go"]]
	    set packages [go-find-packages $test $name $files]
	    if { [llength $packages] > 0 } {
		set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
		set del [list]
		set last [lindex $packages end]
		set packages [lreplace $packages end end]
		foreach p $packages {
		    dg-test -keep-output [lrange $p 1 end] "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
		    lappend del "[file rootname [file tail [lindex $p 1]]].o"
		set dg-do-what-default "link"
		dg-test -keep-output [lrange $last 1 end] "$del -O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
		set base "[file rootname [file tail [lindex $last 1]]]"
		set output_file "./$base.exe"
		lappend del $output_file
		if [isnative] {
		    verbose -log "$output_file >$base.p 2>&1"
		    if { [catch "exec $output_file 2>$base.p" catcherr] != 0 } {
			verbose -log $catcherr
			fail "$name execution"
			untested "$name compare"
		    } else {
			pass "$name execution"
			regsub "\\.go$" "$test" ".out" expect
			filecmp $expect $base.p "$name compare"
		    lappend del $base.p
		foreach f $del {
		    file delete $f
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { "$test_line" == ""
		   || [string match "// true*" $test_line]
		   || [string match "// skip*" $test_line] } {
	    # Not a real test, just ignore.
	} elseif { [string match \
			"// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/bug0.go && errchk \$G \$D/\$F.dir/bug1.go" \
			$test_line] \
		       || [string match \
			       "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/io.go && errchk \$G -e \$D/\$F.dir/main.go" \
			       $test_line] } {
	    if { [string match \
		      "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/bug0.go && errchk \$G \$D/\$F.dir/bug1.go" \
		      $test_line] } {
		set name1 "bug0.go"
		set name2 "bug1.go"
	    } elseif { [string match \
			    "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/io.go && errchk \$G -e \$D/\$F.dir/main.go" \
			    $test_line] } {
		set name1 "io.go"
		set name2 "main.go"
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/$name1" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/$name2" file2
	    errchk $file2 ""
	    file delete "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { [string match \
			"// \$G \$D/\${F}1.go && errchk \$G \$D/\$F.go" \
			$test_line ] } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test "1.go" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    errchk $test ""
	    file delete "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { [string match \
			"// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/bug0.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/bug1.go && errchk \$G \$D/\$F.dir/bug2.go" \
			$test_line] } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/bug0.go" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/bug1.go" file2
	    dg-test -keep-output $file2 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/bug2.go" file3
	    errchk $file3 ""
	    file delete "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    file delete "[file rootname [file tail $file2]].o"
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { [string match \
			"// \$G \$D/bug160.dir/x.go && \$G \$D/bug160.dir/y.go && \$L y.\$A && ./\$A.out" \
			$test_line] \
		       || [string match \
			       "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/p.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/main.go && \$L main.\$A && ./\$A.out" \
			       $test_line] \
		       || $test_line == "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/p1.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/main.go && \$L main.\$A && ./\$A.out" \
		       || $test_line == "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/lib.go && \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ./\$A.out" \
		       || $test_line == "// \$G \$D/method4a.go && \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ./$\A.out" } {
	    if { [string match \
			"// \$G \$D/bug160.dir/x.go && \$G \$D/bug160.dir/y.go && \$L y.\$A && ./\$A.out" \
		      $test_line] } {
		set name1 "x.go"
		set name2 "y.go"
	    } elseif { [string match \
			   "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/p.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/main.go && \$L main.\$A && ./\$A.out" \
			    $test_line] } {
		set name1 "p.go"
		set name2 "main.go"
	    } elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/p1.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/main.go && \$L main.\$A && ./\$A.out" } {
		set name1 "p1.go"
		set name2 "main.go"
	    } elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/lib.go && \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ./\$A.out" } {
		set name1 "lib.go"
		set name2 ""
	    } elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/method4a.go && \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ./$\A.out" } {
		set name1 "method4a.go"
		set name2 ""
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/$name1" file1
	    if { $name1 == "method4a.go" } {
		set file1 "[file dirname $test]/method4a.go"
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile1 "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/$name2" file2
	    if { $name2 == "" } {
		set file2 $test
	    dg-test -keep-output $file2 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile2 "[file rootname [file tail $file2]].o"
	    set dg-do-what-default "link"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    set comp_output [go_target_compile "$ofile1 $ofile2" \
				 $output_file "executable" "$options"]
	    set comp_output [go-dg-prune $target_triplet $comp_output]
	    verbose -log $comp_output
	    set result [go_load "$output_file" "" ""]
	    set status [lindex $result 0]
	    $status $name
	    file delete $ofile1 $ofile2 $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/one.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/two.go && \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ./\$A.out" } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/one.go" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile1 "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/two.go" file2
	    dg-test -keep-output $file2 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile2 "[file rootname [file tail $file2]].o"
	    dg-test -keep-output $test "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile3 "[file rootname [file tail $test]].o"
	    set dg-do-what-default "link"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    set comp_output [go_target_compile "$ofile1 $ofile2 $ofile3" \
				 $output_file "executable" "$options"]
	    set comp_output [go-dg-prune $target_triplet $comp_output]
	    verbose -log $comp_output
	    set result [go_load "$output_file" "" ""]
	    set status [lindex $result 0]
	    $status $name
	    file delete $ofile1 $ofile2 $ofile3 $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { [string match \
			"// \$G \$D/embed0.go && \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ./\$A.out" \
			$test_line ] } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "/\[^/\]*$" $test "/embed0.go" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile1 "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    dg-test -keep-output $test "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile2 "[file rootname [file tail $test]].o"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    set comp_output [go_target_compile "$ofile1 $ofile2" \
				 $output_file "executable" "$options"]
	    set comp_output [go-dg-prune $target_triplet $comp_output]
	    if [string match "" $comp_output] {
		set result [go_load "$output_file" "" ""]
		set status [lindex $result 0]
		$status $name
	    } else {
		verbose -log $comp_output
		fail $name
	    file delete $ofile1 $ofile2 $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { [string match \
			"// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/lib.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/main.go && \$L main.\$A && ./\$A.out || echo BUG*" \
			$test_line ] || \
		       [string match \
			    "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/p.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/main.go && \$L main.\$A && ./\$A.out || echo BUG*" \
			    $test_line ] } {
	    if { [string match \
		      "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/lib.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/main.go && \$L main.\$A && ./\$A.out || echo BUG*" \
		      $test_line ] } {
		set name1 "lib.go"
		set name2 "main.go"
	    } elseif { [string match \
			    "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/p.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/main.go && \$L main.\$A && ./\$A.out || echo BUG*" \
			    $test_line ] } {
		set name1 "p.go"
		set name2 "main.go"
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/$name1" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile1 "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/$name2" file2
	    dg-test -keep-output $file2 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile2 "[file rootname [file tail $file2]].o"
	    set dg-do-what-default "link"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $file2]].exe"
	    set comp_output [go_target_compile "$ofile1 $ofile2" \
				 $output_file "executable" "$options"]
	    set comp_output [go-dg-prune $target_triplet $comp_output]
	    if [string match "" $comp_output] {
		set result [go_load "$output_file" "" ""]
		set status [lindex $result 0]
		$status $name
	    } else {
		verbose -log $comp_output
		fail $name
	    file delete $ofile1 $ofile2 $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/bug0.go &&" \
		       && $test_line2 == "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/bug1.go &&" \
		       && $test_line3 == "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/bug2.go &&" \
		       && $test_line4 == "// errchk \$G -e \$D/\$F.dir/bug3.go &&" \
		       && $test_line5 == "// \$L bug2.\$A &&" \
		       && [string match "// ./\$A.out || echo BUG*" $test_line6] } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/bug0.go" file0
	    dg-test -keep-output $file0 "-O -fgo-prefix=bug0" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile0 "[file rootname [file tail $file0]].o"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/bug1.go" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O -fgo-prefix=bug1" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile1 "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/bug2.go" file2
	    dg-test -keep-output $file2 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile2 "[file rootname [file tail $file2]].o"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/bug3.go" file3
	    errchk $file3 ""
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    set comp_output [go_target_compile "$ofile0 $ofile1 $ofile2" \
				 $output_file "executable" "$options"]
	    set comp-output [go-dg-prune $target_triplet $comp_output]
	    if [string match "" $comp_output] {
		set result [go_load "$output_file" "" ""]
		set status [lindex $result 0]
		$status $name
	    } else {
		verbose -log $comp_output
		fail $name
	    file delete $ofile0 $ofile1 $ofile2 $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/import2.go && \$G \$D/\$F\.go" \
		       || $test_line == "// \$G \$D/recursive1.go && \$G \$D/\$F.go" } {
	    if { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/import2.go && \$G \$D/\$F\.go" } {
		set name1 "import2.go"
	    } elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/recursive1.go && \$G \$D/\$F.go" } {
		set name1 "recursive1.go"
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "/\[^/\]*$" $test "/${name1}" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile1 "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    dg-test $test "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    file delete $ofile1
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/ddd2.go && \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ./\$A.out" } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "/\[^/\]*$" $test "/ddd2.go" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile1 "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    dg-test -keep-output $test "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile2 "[file rootname [file tail $test]].o"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    set comp_output [go_target_compile "$ofile1 $ofile2" \
				 $output_file "executable" "$options"]
	    set comp_output [go-dg-prune $target_triplet $comp_output]
	    if [string match "" $comp_output] {
		set result [go_load "$output_file" "" ""]
		set status [lindex $result 0]
		$status $name
	    } else {
		verbose -log $comp_output
		fail $name
	    file delete $ofile1 $ofile2 $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// run cmplxdivide1.go" } {
	    regsub "/\[^/\]*$" $test "/cmplxdivide1.go" test2
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].o"
	    set comp_output [go_target_compile "$test $test2" \
				 $output_file "executable" "$options"]
	    set comp_output [go-dg-prune $target_triplet $comp_output]
	    if [string match "" $comp_output] {
		set result [go_load "$output_file" "" ""]
		set status [lindex $result 0]
		$status $name
	    } else {
		verbose -log $comp_output
		fail $name
	    file delete $output_file
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A &&" \
		       && $test_line2 == "// ./\$A.out -pass 0 >tmp.go && \$G tmp.go && \$L -o \$A.out1 tmp.\$A && ./\$A.out1 &&" \
		       && $test_line3 == "// ./\$A.out -pass 1 >tmp.go && errchk \$G -e tmp.go &&" \
		       && $test_line4 == "// ./\$A.out -pass 2 >tmp.go && errchk \$G -e tmp.go" } {
	    set go_execute_args ""
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "link"
	    dg-test -keep-output $test "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    if [isnative] {
		if { [catch "exec $output_file -pass 0 >tmp.go"] != 0 } {
		    fail "$name execution 0"
		} else {
		    pass "$name execution 0"
		    file delete tmp.x
		    # Disable optimizations as this test takes a long time
		    # to compile.
		    set TORTURE_OPTIONS [list { -O0 -g -fno-var-tracking-assignments }]
		    go-torture-execute "./tmp.go"
		if { [catch "exec $output_file -pass 1 >tmp.go"] != 0 } {
		    fail "$name execution 1"
		} else {
		    pass "$name execution 1"
		    errchk tmp.go ""
		if { [catch "exec $output_file -pass 2 >tmp.go"] != 0 } {
		    fail "$name execution 2"
		} else {
		    pass "$name execution 2"
		    errchk tmp.go ""
		file delete tmp.go
	    file delete $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L \$F.\$A && ./\$A.out >tmp.go &&" \
			&& $test_line2 == "// errchk \$G -e tmp.go" } {
	    set go_execute_args ""
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "link"
	    dg-test -keep-output $test "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    if [isnative] {
		if { [catch "exec $output_file >tmp.go"] != 0 } {
		    fail "$name execution"
		} else {
		    pass "$name execution"
		    file delete tmp.x
		    errchk tmp.go ""
	    file delete $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// errchk \$G -e \$D/\$F.dir/\[ab\].go" } {
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/a.go" file1
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/b.go" file2
	    errchk "$file1" "$file2"
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G -N -o slow.\$A \$D/bug369.dir/pkg.go &&" \
		       && $test_line2 == "// \$G -o fast.\$A \$D/bug369.dir/pkg.go &&" \
		       && $test_line3 == "// run" } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/pkg.go" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "" "-fgo-prefix=slow -w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile1 "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    file rename -force $ofile1 slow.o
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O2" "-fgo-prefix=fast -w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    file rename -force $ofile1 fast.o
	    set ofile2 "[file rootname [file tail $test]].o"
	    dg-test -keep-output $test "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set output_file "./[file rootname [file tail $test]].exe"
	    set comp_output [go_target_compile "$ofile2 slow.o fast.o" \
				 $output_file "executable" "$options"]
	    set comp_output [go-dg-prune $target_triplet $comp_output]
	    if [string match "" $comp_output] {
		set result [go_load "$output_file" "" ""]
		set status [lindex $result 0]
		$status $name
	    } else {
		verbose -log $comp_output
		fail $name
	    file delete slow.o fast.o $ofile2 $output_file
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { [string match \
			"// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/pkg.go && \$G \$D/\$F.go || echo *" \
			$test_line ] } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/pkg.go" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    dg-test $test "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    file delete "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { [string match "// \$G \$D/\$F.dir/one.go && \$G \$D/\$F.dir/two.go || echo BUG*" \
			$test_line ] } {
	    set hold_runtests $runtests
	    set runtests "go-test.exp"
	    set dg-do-what-default "assemble"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/one.go" file1
	    dg-test -keep-output $file1 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    set ofile1 "[file rootname [file tail $file1]].o"
	    regsub "\\.go$" $test ".dir/two.go" file2
	    dg-test $file2 "-O" "-w $DEFAULT_GOCFLAGS"
	    file delete $ofile1
	    set runtests $hold_runtests
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/bug302.dir/p.go && pack grc pp.a p.\$A && \$G \$D/bug302.dir/main.go" \
		   || $test_line == "// \$G \$D/empty.go && errchk \$G \$D/\$F.go" } {
	    # These tests import the same package under two different
	    # names, which gccgo does not support.
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G -S \$D/\$F.go | egrep initdone >/dev/null && echo BUG sinit || true" } {
	    # This tests whether initializers are written out
	    # statically.  gccgo does not provide a way to test that,
	    # as an initializer will be generated for any code which
	    # has global variables which need to be registered as GC
	    # roots.
	} elseif { $test_line == "// errorcheck -0 -m"
		   || $test_line == "// errorcheck -0 -m -l" } { 
	    # This tests debug output of the gc compiler, which is
	    # meaningless for gccgo.
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \[ \$A == 6 \] || errchk \$G -e \$D/\$F.go" \
		       || $test_line == "// \[ \$A != 6 \]  || errchk \$G -e \$D/\$F.go" } {
	    # This tests specific handling of the gc compiler on types
	    # that are too large.  It is target specific in a way I
	    # haven't bothered to check for here.
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/\$F.go && \$L -X main.tbd hello \$F.\$A && ./\$A.out" } {
	    # This tests the gc ld -X option, which gccgo does not
	    # support.
	} elseif { $test_line == "// \$G \$D/pkg.go && pack grc pkg.a pkg.\$A 2> /dev/null && rm pkg.\$A && errchk \$G -I. -u \$D/main.go"
		   || $test_line == "// \$G \$D/pkg.go && pack grcS pkg.a pkg.\$A 2> /dev/null && rm pkg.\$A && \$G -I. -u \$D/main.go" } {
	    # This tests the gc -u option, which gccgo does not
	    # support.
	} elseif { $test_line == "// errorcheck -0 -N -d=nil" \
		       || $test_line == "// errorcheck -0 -d=nil" } {
	    # This tests gc nil pointer checks using -d=nil, which
	    # gccgo does not support.
	} else {
	    clone_output "$name: unrecognized test line: $test_line"
	    unsupported $name

	set go_compile_args ""
	set go_execute_args ""
        set TORTURE_OPTIONS [list { -O2 -g }]
	gcc_parallel_test_enable 1

    set dg-do-what-default ${saved-dg-do-what-default}
    set TORTURE_OPTIONS $saved_torture_options
