-- { dg-do run } with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with GNAT; use GNAT; with GNAT.Lists; use GNAT.Lists; procedure Linkedlist is package Integer_Lists is new Doubly_Linked_List (Element_Type => Integer, "=" => "="); use Integer_Lists; procedure Check_Empty (Caller : String; L : Instance; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Ensure that none of the elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem are -- present in list L, and that the list's length is 0. procedure Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller : String; L : in out Instance); -- Ensure that all mutation operations of list L are locked procedure Check_Present (Caller : String; L : Instance; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Ensure that all elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem are present -- in list L. procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations (Caller : String; L : in out Instance); -- Ensure that all mutation operations of list L are unlocked procedure Populate_With_Append (L : Instance; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Add elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem in that order in list L procedure Test_Append; -- Verify that Append properly inserts at the tail of a list procedure Test_Contains (Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Verify that Contains properly identifies that elements in the range -- Low_Elem .. High_Elem are within a list. procedure Test_Create; -- Verify that all list operations fail on a non-created list procedure Test_Delete (Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Verify that Delete properly removes elements in the range Low_Elem .. -- High_Elem from a list. procedure Test_Delete_First (Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Verify that Delete properly removes elements in the range Low_Elem .. -- High_Elem from the head of a list. procedure Test_Delete_Last (Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Verify that Delete properly removes elements in the range Low_Elem .. -- High_Elem from the tail of a list. procedure Test_First; -- Verify that First properly returns the head of a list procedure Test_Insert_After; -- Verify that Insert_After properly adds an element after some other -- element. procedure Test_Insert_Before; -- Vefity that Insert_Before properly adds an element before some other -- element. procedure Test_Is_Empty; -- Verify that Is_Empty properly returns this status of a list procedure Test_Iterate; -- Verify that iterators properly manipulate mutation operations procedure Test_Iterate_Empty; -- Verify that iterators properly manipulate mutation operations of an -- empty list. procedure Test_Iterate_Forced (Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Verify that an iterator that is forcefully advanced by Next properly -- unlocks the mutation operations of a list. procedure Test_Last; -- Verify that Last properly returns the tail of a list procedure Test_Prepend; -- Verify that Prepend properly inserts at the head of a list procedure Test_Replace; -- Verify that Replace properly substitutes old elements with new ones procedure Test_Size; -- Verify that Size returns the correct size of a list ----------------- -- Check_Empty -- ----------------- procedure Check_Empty (Caller : String; L : Instance; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is Len : constant Natural := Size (L); begin for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop if Contains (L, Elem) then Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": extra element" & Elem'Img); end if; end loop; if Len /= 0 then Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": wrong length"); Put_Line ("expected: 0"); Put_Line ("got :" & Len'Img); end if; end Check_Empty; ---------------------------- -- Check_Locked_Mutations -- ---------------------------- procedure Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller : String; L : in out Instance) is begin begin Append (L, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Append: no exception raised"); exception when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Append: unexpected exception"); end; begin Delete (L, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: no exception raised"); exception when List_Empty => null; when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: unexpected exception"); end; begin Delete_First (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete_First: no exception raised"); exception when List_Empty => null; when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete_First: unexpected exception"); end; begin Delete_Last (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete_List: no exception raised"); exception when List_Empty => null; when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete_Last: unexpected exception"); end; begin Destroy (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: no exception raised"); exception when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: unexpected exception"); end; begin Insert_After (L, 1, 2); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert_After: no exception raised"); exception when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert_After: unexpected exception"); end; begin Insert_Before (L, 1, 2); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert_Before: no exception raised"); exception when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert_Before: unexpected exception"); end; begin Prepend (L, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Prepend: no exception raised"); exception when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Prepend: unexpected exception"); end; begin Replace (L, 1, 2); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Replace: no exception raised"); exception when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Replace: unexpected exception"); end; end Check_Locked_Mutations; ------------------- -- Check_Present -- ------------------- procedure Check_Present (Caller : String; L : Instance; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is Elem : Integer; Iter : Iterator; begin Iter := Iterate (L); for Exp_Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop Next (Iter, Elem); if Elem /= Exp_Elem then Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Present: wrong element"); Put_Line ("expected:" & Exp_Elem'Img); Put_Line ("got :" & Elem'Img); end if; end loop; -- At this point all elements should have been accounted for. Check for -- extra elements. while Has_Next (Iter) loop Next (Iter, Elem); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Present: extra element" & Elem'Img); end loop; exception when Iterator_Exhausted => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & "Check_Present: incorrect number of elements"); end Check_Present; ------------------------------ -- Check_Unlocked_Mutations -- ------------------------------ procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations (Caller : String; L : in out Instance) is begin Append (L, 1); Append (L, 2); Append (L, 3); Delete (L, 1); Delete_First (L); Delete_Last (L); Insert_After (L, 2, 3); Insert_Before (L, 2, 1); Prepend (L, 0); Replace (L, 3, 4); end Check_Unlocked_Mutations; -------------------------- -- Populate_With_Append -- -------------------------- procedure Populate_With_Append (L : Instance; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is begin for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop Append (L, Elem); end loop; end Populate_With_Append; ----------------- -- Test_Append -- ----------------- procedure Test_Append is L : Instance := Create; begin Append (L, 1); Append (L, 2); Append (L, 3); Append (L, 4); Append (L, 5); Check_Present (Caller => "Test_Append", L => L, Low_Elem => 1, High_Elem => 5); Destroy (L); end Test_Append; ------------------- -- Test_Contains -- ------------------- procedure Test_Contains (Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is Low_Bogus : constant Integer := Low_Elem - 1; High_Bogus : constant Integer := High_Elem + 1; L : Instance := Create; begin Populate_With_Append (L, Low_Elem, High_Elem); -- Ensure that the elements are contained in the list for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop if not Contains (L, Elem) then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & Elem'Img & " not in list"); end if; end loop; -- Ensure that arbitrary elements which were not inserted in the list -- are not contained in the list. if Contains (L, Low_Bogus) then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & Low_Bogus'Img & " in list"); end if; if Contains (L, High_Bogus) then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & High_Bogus'Img & " in list"); end if; Destroy (L); end Test_Contains; ----------------- -- Test_Create -- ----------------- procedure Test_Create is Count : Natural; Flag : Boolean; Iter : Iterator; L : Instance; Val : Integer; begin -- Ensure that every routine defined in the API fails on a list which -- has not been created yet. begin Append (L, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Append: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Append: unexpected exception"); end; begin Flag := Contains (L, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Contains: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Contains: unexpected exception"); end; begin Delete (L, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: unexpected exception"); end; begin Delete_First (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete_First: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete_First: unexpected exception"); end; begin Delete_Last (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete_Last: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete_Last: unexpected exception"); end; begin Val := First (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: First: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: First: unexpected exception"); end; begin Insert_After (L, 1, 2); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert_After: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert_After: unexpected exception"); end; begin Insert_Before (L, 1, 2); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert_Before: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert_Before: unexpected exception"); end; begin Flag := Is_Empty (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Is_Empty: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Is_Empty: unexpected exception"); end; begin Iter := Iterate (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: unexpected exception"); end; begin Val := Last (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Last: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Last: unexpected exception"); end; begin Prepend (L, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Prepend: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Prepend: unexpected exception"); end; begin Replace (L, 1, 2); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Replace: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Replace: unexpected exception"); end; begin Count := Size (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: unexpected exception"); end; end Test_Create; ----------------- -- Test_Delete -- ----------------- procedure Test_Delete (Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is Iter : Iterator; L : Instance := Create; begin Populate_With_Append (L, Low_Elem, High_Elem); -- Delete the first element, which is technically the head Delete (L, Low_Elem); -- Ensure that all remaining elements except for the head are present in -- the list. Check_Present (Caller => "Test_Delete", L => L, Low_Elem => Low_Elem + 1, High_Elem => High_Elem); -- Delete the last element, which is technically the tail Delete (L, High_Elem); -- Ensure that all remaining elements except for the head and tail are -- present in the list. Check_Present (Caller => "Test_Delete", L => L, Low_Elem => Low_Elem + 1, High_Elem => High_Elem - 1); -- Delete all even elements for Elem in Low_Elem + 1 .. High_Elem - 1 loop if Elem mod 2 = 0 then Delete (L, Elem); end if; end loop; -- Ensure that all remaining elements except the head, tail, and even -- elements are present in the list. for Elem in Low_Elem + 1 .. High_Elem - 1 loop if Elem mod 2 /= 0 and then not Contains (L, Elem) then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete: missing element" & Elem'Img); end if; end loop; -- Delete all odd elements for Elem in Low_Elem + 1 .. High_Elem - 1 loop if Elem mod 2 /= 0 then Delete (L, Elem); end if; end loop; -- At this point the list should be completely empty Check_Empty (Caller => "Test_Delete", L => L, Low_Elem => Low_Elem, High_Elem => High_Elem); -- Try to delete an element. This operation should raise List_Empty. begin Delete (L, Low_Elem); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete: List_Empty not raised"); exception when List_Empty => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete: unexpected exception"); end; Destroy (L); end Test_Delete; ----------------------- -- Test_Delete_First -- ----------------------- procedure Test_Delete_First (Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is L : Instance := Create; begin Populate_With_Append (L, Low_Elem, High_Elem); -- Delete the head of the list, and verify that the remaining elements -- are still present in the list. for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop Delete_First (L); Check_Present (Caller => "Test_Delete_First", L => L, Low_Elem => Elem + 1, High_Elem => High_Elem); end loop; -- At this point the list should be completely empty Check_Empty (Caller => "Test_Delete_First", L => L, Low_Elem => Low_Elem, High_Elem => High_Elem); -- Try to delete an element. This operation should raise List_Empty. begin Delete_First (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_First: List_Empty not raised"); exception when List_Empty => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_First: unexpected exception"); end; Destroy (L); end Test_Delete_First; ---------------------- -- Test_Delete_Last -- ---------------------- procedure Test_Delete_Last (Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is L : Instance := Create; begin Populate_With_Append (L, Low_Elem, High_Elem); -- Delete the tail of the list, and verify that the remaining elements -- are still present in the list. for Elem in reverse Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop Delete_Last (L); Check_Present (Caller => "Test_Delete_Last", L => L, Low_Elem => Low_Elem, High_Elem => Elem - 1); end loop; -- At this point the list should be completely empty Check_Empty (Caller => "Test_Delete_Last", L => L, Low_Elem => Low_Elem, High_Elem => High_Elem); -- Try to delete an element. This operation should raise List_Empty. begin Delete_Last (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_Last: List_Empty not raised"); exception when List_Empty => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_First: unexpected exception"); end; Destroy (L); end Test_Delete_Last; ---------------- -- Test_First -- ---------------- procedure Test_First is Elem : Integer; L : Instance := Create; begin -- Try to obtain the head. This operation should raise List_Empty. begin Elem := First (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_First: List_Empty not raised"); exception when List_Empty => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_First: unexpected exception"); end; Populate_With_Append (L, 1, 2); -- Obtain the head Elem := First (L); if Elem /= 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_First: wrong element"); Put_Line ("expected: 1"); Put_Line ("got :" & Elem'Img); end if; Destroy (L); end Test_First; ----------------------- -- Test_Insert_After -- ----------------------- procedure Test_Insert_After is L : Instance := Create; begin -- Try to insert after a non-inserted element, in an empty list Insert_After (L, 1, 2); -- At this point the list should be completely empty Check_Empty (Caller => "Test_Insert_After", L => L, Low_Elem => 0, High_Elem => -1); Append (L, 1); -- 1 Insert_After (L, 1, 3); -- 1, 3 Insert_After (L, 1, 2); -- 1, 2, 3 Insert_After (L, 3, 4); -- 1, 2, 3, 4 -- Try to insert after a non-inserted element, in a full list Insert_After (L, 10, 11); Check_Present (Caller => "Test_Insert_After", L => L, Low_Elem => 1, High_Elem => 4); Destroy (L); end Test_Insert_After; ------------------------ -- Test_Insert_Before -- ------------------------ procedure Test_Insert_Before is L : Instance := Create; begin -- Try to insert before a non-inserted element, in an empty list Insert_Before (L, 1, 2); -- At this point the list should be completely empty Check_Empty (Caller => "Test_Insert_Before", L => L, Low_Elem => 0, High_Elem => -1); Append (L, 4); -- 4 Insert_Before (L, 4, 2); -- 2, 4 Insert_Before (L, 2, 1); -- 1, 2, 4 Insert_Before (L, 4, 3); -- 1, 2, 3, 4 -- Try to insert before a non-inserted element, in a full list Insert_Before (L, 10, 11); Check_Present (Caller => "Test_Insert_Before", L => L, Low_Elem => 1, High_Elem => 4); Destroy (L); end Test_Insert_Before; ------------------- -- Test_Is_Empty -- ------------------- procedure Test_Is_Empty is L : Instance := Create; begin if not Is_Empty (L) then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: list is not empty"); end if; Append (L, 1); if Is_Empty (L) then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: list is empty"); end if; Delete_First (L); if not Is_Empty (L) then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: list is not empty"); end if; Destroy (L); end Test_Is_Empty; ------------------ -- Test_Iterate -- ------------------ procedure Test_Iterate is Elem : Integer; Iter_1 : Iterator; Iter_2 : Iterator; L : Instance := Create; begin Populate_With_Append (L, 1, 5); -- Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of -- the list. Iter_1 := Iterate (L); -- Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a list -- with at least one outstanding iterator. Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate", L => L); -- Obtain another iterator Iter_2 := Iterate (L); -- Ensure that every mutation is still locked Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate", L => L); -- Exhaust the first itertor while Has_Next (Iter_1) loop Next (Iter_1, Elem); end loop; -- Ensure that every mutation is still locked Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate", L => L); -- Exhaust the second itertor while Has_Next (Iter_2) loop Next (Iter_2, Elem); end loop; -- Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable Check_Unlocked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate", L => L); Destroy (L); end Test_Iterate; ------------------------ -- Test_Iterate_Empty -- ------------------------ procedure Test_Iterate_Empty is Elem : Integer; Iter : Iterator; L : Instance := Create; begin -- Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of -- the list. Iter := Iterate (L); -- Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a list -- with at least one outstanding iterator. Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Empty", L => L); -- Attempt to iterate over the elements while Has_Next (Iter) loop Next (Iter, Elem); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Empty: element" & Elem'Img & " exists"); end loop; -- Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable Check_Unlocked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Empty", L => L); Destroy (L); end Test_Iterate_Empty; ------------------------- -- Test_Iterate_Forced -- ------------------------- procedure Test_Iterate_Forced (Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is Elem : Integer; Iter : Iterator; L : Instance := Create; begin Populate_With_Append (L, Low_Elem, High_Elem); -- Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of -- the list. Iter := Iterate (L); -- Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a list -- with at least one outstanding iterator. Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Forced", L => L); -- Forcibly advance the iterator until it raises an exception begin for Guard in Low_Elem .. High_Elem + 1 loop Next (Iter, Elem); end loop; Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: Iterator_Exhausted not raised"); exception when Iterator_Exhausted => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: unexpected exception"); end; -- Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable Check_Unlocked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Forced", L => L); Destroy (L); end Test_Iterate_Forced; --------------- -- Test_Last -- --------------- procedure Test_Last is Elem : Integer; L : Instance := Create; begin -- Try to obtain the tail. This operation should raise List_Empty. begin Elem := First (L); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Last: List_Empty not raised"); exception when List_Empty => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Last: unexpected exception"); end; Populate_With_Append (L, 1, 2); -- Obtain the tail Elem := Last (L); if Elem /= 2 then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Last: wrong element"); Put_Line ("expected: 2"); Put_Line ("got :" & Elem'Img); end if; Destroy (L); end Test_Last; ------------------ -- Test_Prepend -- ------------------ procedure Test_Prepend is L : Instance := Create; begin Prepend (L, 5); Prepend (L, 4); Prepend (L, 3); Prepend (L, 2); Prepend (L, 1); Check_Present (Caller => "Test_Prepend", L => L, Low_Elem => 1, High_Elem => 5); Destroy (L); end Test_Prepend; ------------------ -- Test_Replace -- ------------------ procedure Test_Replace is L : Instance := Create; begin Populate_With_Append (L, 1, 5); Replace (L, 3, 8); Replace (L, 1, 6); Replace (L, 4, 9); Replace (L, 5, 10); Replace (L, 2, 7); Replace (L, 11, 12); Check_Present (Caller => "Test_Replace", L => L, Low_Elem => 6, High_Elem => 10); Destroy (L); end Test_Replace; --------------- -- Test_Size -- --------------- procedure Test_Size is L : Instance := Create; S : Natural; begin S := Size (L); if S /= 0 then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size"); Put_Line ("expected: 0"); Put_Line ("got :" & S'Img); end if; Populate_With_Append (L, 1, 2); S := Size (L); if S /= 2 then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size"); Put_Line ("expected: 2"); Put_Line ("got :" & S'Img); end if; Populate_With_Append (L, 3, 6); S := Size (L); if S /= 6 then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size"); Put_Line ("expected: 6"); Put_Line ("got :" & S'Img); end if; Destroy (L); end Test_Size; -- Start of processing for Operations begin Test_Append; Test_Contains (Low_Elem => 1, High_Elem => 5); Test_Create; Test_Delete (Low_Elem => 1, High_Elem => 10); Test_Delete_First (Low_Elem => 1, High_Elem => 5); Test_Delete_Last (Low_Elem => 1, High_Elem => 5); Test_First; Test_Insert_After; Test_Insert_Before; Test_Is_Empty; Test_Iterate; Test_Iterate_Empty; Test_Iterate_Forced (Low_Elem => 1, High_Elem => 5); Test_Last; Test_Prepend; Test_Replace; Test_Size; end Linkedlist;