-- { dg-do run } with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with GNAT; use GNAT; with GNAT.Dynamic_HTables; use GNAT.Dynamic_HTables; procedure Dynhash is function Hash (Key : Integer) return Bucket_Range_Type; package DHT is new Dynamic_HTable (Key_Type => Integer, Value_Type => Integer, No_Value => 0, Expansion_Threshold => 1.3, Expansion_Factor => 2, Compression_Threshold => 0.3, Compression_Factor => 2, "=" => "=", Hash => Hash); use DHT; function Create_And_Populate (Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer; Init_Size : Positive) return Instance; -- Create a hash table with initial size Init_Size and populate it with -- key-value pairs where both keys and values are in the range Low_Key -- .. High_Key. procedure Check_Empty (Caller : String; T : Instance; Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer); -- Ensure that -- -- * The key-value pairs count of hash table T is 0. -- * All values for the keys in range Low_Key .. High_Key are 0. procedure Check_Keys (Caller : String; Iter : in out Iterator; Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer); -- Ensure that iterator Iter visits every key in the range Low_Key .. -- High_Key exactly once. procedure Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller : String; T : in out Instance); -- Ensure that all mutation operations of hash table T are locked procedure Check_Size (Caller : String; T : Instance; Exp_Count : Natural); -- Ensure that the count of key-value pairs of hash table T matches -- expected count Exp_Count. Emit an error if this is not the case. procedure Test_Create (Init_Size : Positive); -- Verify that all dynamic hash table operations fail on a non-created -- table of size Init_Size. procedure Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size (Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer; Exp_Count : Natural; Init_Size : Positive); -- Verify that -- -- * Put properly inserts values in the hash table. -- * Get properly retrieves all values inserted in the table. -- * Delete properly deletes values. -- * The size of the hash table properly reflects the number of key-value -- pairs. -- -- Low_Key and High_Key denote the range of keys to be inserted, retrieved, -- and deleted. Exp_Count is the expected count of key-value pairs n the -- hash table. Init_Size denotes the initial size of the table. procedure Test_Iterate (Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer; Init_Size : Positive); -- Verify that iterators -- -- * Properly visit each key exactly once. -- * Mutation operations are properly locked and unlocked during -- iteration. -- -- Low_Key and High_Key denote the range of keys to be inserted, retrieved, -- and deleted. Init_Size denotes the initial size of the table. procedure Test_Iterate_Empty (Init_Size : Positive); -- Verify that an iterator over an empty hash table -- -- * Does not visit any key -- * Mutation operations are properly locked and unlocked during -- iteration. -- -- Init_Size denotes the initial size of the table. procedure Test_Iterate_Forced (Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer; Init_Size : Positive); -- Verify that an iterator that is forcefully advanced by just Next -- -- * Properly visit each key exactly once. -- * Mutation operations are properly locked and unlocked during -- iteration. -- -- Low_Key and High_Key denote the range of keys to be inserted, retrieved, -- and deleted. Init_Size denotes the initial size of the table. procedure Test_Replace (Low_Val : Integer; High_Val : Integer; Init_Size : Positive); -- Verify that Put properly updates the value of a particular key. Low_Val -- and High_Val denote the range of values to be updated. Init_Size denotes -- the initial size of the table. procedure Test_Reset (Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer; Init_Size : Positive); -- Verify that Reset properly destroy and recreats a hash table. Low_Key -- and High_Key denote the range of keys to be inserted in the hash table. -- Init_Size denotes the initial size of the table. ------------------------- -- Create_And_Populate -- ------------------------- function Create_And_Populate (Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer; Init_Size : Positive) return Instance is T : Instance; begin T := Create (Init_Size); for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop Put (T, Key, Key); end loop; return T; end Create_And_Populate; ----------------- -- Check_Empty -- ----------------- procedure Check_Empty (Caller : String; T : Instance; Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer) is Val : Integer; begin Check_Size (Caller => Caller, T => T, Exp_Count => 0); for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop Val := Get (T, Key); if Val /= 0 then Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": wrong value"); Put_Line ("expected: 0"); Put_Line ("got :" & Val'Img); end if; end loop; end Check_Empty; ---------------- -- Check_Keys -- ---------------- procedure Check_Keys (Caller : String; Iter : in out Iterator; Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer) is type Bit_Vector is array (Low_Key .. High_Key) of Boolean; pragma Pack (Bit_Vector); Count : Natural; Key : Integer; Seen : Bit_Vector := (others => False); begin -- Compute the number of outstanding keys that have to be iterated on Count := High_Key - Low_Key + 1; while Has_Next (Iter) loop Next (Iter, Key); if Seen (Key) then Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Keys: duplicate key" & Key'Img); else Seen (Key) := True; Count := Count - 1; end if; end loop; -- In the end, all keys must have been iterated on if Count /= 0 then for Key in Seen'Range loop if not Seen (Key) then Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Keys: missing key" & Key'Img); end if; end loop; end if; end Check_Keys; ---------------------------- -- Check_Locked_Mutations -- ---------------------------- procedure Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller : String; T : in out Instance) is begin begin Delete (T, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: no exception raised"); exception when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: unexpected exception"); end; begin Destroy (T); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: no exception raised"); exception when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: unexpected exception"); end; begin Put (T, 1, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Put: no exception raised"); exception when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Put: unexpected exception"); end; begin Reset (T); Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Reset: no exception raised"); exception when Iterated => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Reset: unexpected exception"); end; end Check_Locked_Mutations; ---------------- -- Check_Size -- ---------------- procedure Check_Size (Caller : String; T : Instance; Exp_Count : Natural) is Count : constant Natural := Size (T); begin if Count /= Exp_Count then Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Size: wrong value"); Put_Line ("expected:" & Exp_Count'Img); Put_Line ("got :" & Count'Img); end if; end Check_Size; ---------- -- Hash -- ---------- function Hash (Key : Integer) return Bucket_Range_Type is begin return Bucket_Range_Type (Key); end Hash; ----------------- -- Test_Create -- ----------------- procedure Test_Create (Init_Size : Positive) is Count : Natural; Iter : Iterator; T : Instance; Val : Integer; begin -- Ensure that every routine defined in the API fails on a hash table -- which has not been created yet. begin Delete (T, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: unexpected exception"); end; begin Destroy (T); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Destroy: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Destroy: unexpected exception"); end; begin Val := Get (T, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Get: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Get: unexpected exception"); end; begin Iter := Iterate (T); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: unexpected exception"); end; begin Put (T, 1, 1); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Put: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Put: unexpected exception"); end; begin Reset (T); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Reset: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Reset: unexpected exception"); end; begin Count := Size (T); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: no exception raised"); exception when Not_Created => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: unexpected exception"); end; -- Test create T := Create (Init_Size); -- Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks Destroy (T); end Test_Create; ------------------------------ -- Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size -- ------------------------------ procedure Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size (Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer; Exp_Count : Natural; Init_Size : Positive) is Exp_Val : Integer; T : Instance; Val : Integer; begin T := Create_And_Populate (Low_Key, High_Key, Init_Size); -- Ensure that its size matches an expected value Check_Size (Caller => "Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size", T => T, Exp_Count => Exp_Count); -- Ensure that every value for the range of keys exists for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop Val := Get (T, Key); if Val /= Key then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size: Get: wrong value"); Put_Line ("expected:" & Key'Img); Put_Line ("got :" & Val'Img); end if; end loop; -- Delete values whose keys are divisible by 10 for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop if Key mod 10 = 0 then Delete (T, Key); end if; end loop; -- Ensure that all values whose keys were not deleted still exist for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop if Key mod 10 = 0 then Exp_Val := 0; else Exp_Val := Key; end if; Val := Get (T, Key); if Val /= Exp_Val then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size: Get: wrong value"); Put_Line ("expected:" & Exp_Val'Img); Put_Line ("got :" & Val'Img); end if; end loop; -- Delete all values for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop Delete (T, Key); end loop; -- Ensure that the hash table is empty Check_Empty (Caller => "Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size", T => T, Low_Key => Low_Key, High_Key => High_Key); -- Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks Destroy (T); end Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size; ------------------ -- Test_Iterate -- ------------------ procedure Test_Iterate (Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer; Init_Size : Positive) is Iter_1 : Iterator; Iter_2 : Iterator; T : Instance; begin T := Create_And_Populate (Low_Key, High_Key, Init_Size); -- Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of -- the hash table. Iter_1 := Iterate (T); -- Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a hash -- table with at least one outstanding iterator. Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate", T => T); -- Obtain another iterator Iter_2 := Iterate (T); -- Ensure that every mutation is still locked Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate", T => T); -- Ensure that all keys are iterable. Note that this does not unlock the -- mutation operations of the hash table because Iter_2 is not exhausted -- yet. Check_Keys (Caller => "Test_Iterate", Iter => Iter_1, Low_Key => Low_Key, High_Key => High_Key); Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate", T => T); -- Ensure that all keys are iterable. This action unlocks all mutation -- operations of the hash table because all outstanding iterators have -- been exhausted. Check_Keys (Caller => "Test_Iterate", Iter => Iter_2, Low_Key => Low_Key, High_Key => High_Key); -- Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable Delete (T, Low_Key); Put (T, Low_Key, Low_Key); Reset (T); -- Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks Destroy (T); end Test_Iterate; ------------------------ -- Test_Iterate_Empty -- ------------------------ procedure Test_Iterate_Empty (Init_Size : Positive) is Iter : Iterator; Key : Integer; T : Instance; begin T := Create_And_Populate (0, -1, Init_Size); -- Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of -- the hash table. Iter := Iterate (T); -- Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a hash -- table with at least one outstanding iterator. Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Empty", T => T); -- Attempt to iterate over the keys while Has_Next (Iter) loop Next (Iter, Key); Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Empty: key" & Key'Img & " exists"); end loop; -- Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable Delete (T, 1); Put (T, 1, 1); Reset (T); -- Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks Destroy (T); end Test_Iterate_Empty; ------------------------- -- Test_Iterate_Forced -- ------------------------- procedure Test_Iterate_Forced (Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer; Init_Size : Positive) is Iter : Iterator; Key : Integer; T : Instance; begin T := Create_And_Populate (Low_Key, High_Key, Init_Size); -- Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of -- the hash table. Iter := Iterate (T); -- Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a hash -- table with at least one outstanding iterator. Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Forced", T => T); -- Forcibly advance the iterator until it raises an exception begin for Guard in Low_Key .. High_Key + 1 loop Next (Iter, Key); end loop; Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: Iterator_Exhausted not raised"); exception when Iterator_Exhausted => null; when others => Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: unexpected exception"); end; -- Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable Delete (T, Low_Key); Put (T, Low_Key, Low_Key); Reset (T); -- Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks Destroy (T); end Test_Iterate_Forced; ------------------ -- Test_Replace -- ------------------ procedure Test_Replace (Low_Val : Integer; High_Val : Integer; Init_Size : Positive) is Key : constant Integer := 1; T : Instance; Val : Integer; begin T := Create (Init_Size); -- Ensure the Put properly updates values with the same key for Exp_Val in Low_Val .. High_Val loop Put (T, Key, Exp_Val); Val := Get (T, Key); if Val /= Exp_Val then Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Replace: Get: wrong value"); Put_Line ("expected:" & Exp_Val'Img); Put_Line ("got :" & Val'Img); end if; end loop; -- Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks Destroy (T); end Test_Replace; ---------------- -- Test_Reset -- ---------------- procedure Test_Reset (Low_Key : Integer; High_Key : Integer; Init_Size : Positive) is T : Instance; begin T := Create_And_Populate (Low_Key, High_Key, Init_Size); -- Reset the contents of the hash table Reset (T); -- Ensure that the hash table is empty Check_Empty (Caller => "Test_Reset", T => T, Low_Key => Low_Key, High_Key => High_Key); -- Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks Destroy (T); end Test_Reset; -- Start of processing for Operations begin Test_Create (Init_Size => 1); Test_Create (Init_Size => 100); Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size (Low_Key => 1, High_Key => 1, Exp_Count => 1, Init_Size => 1); Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size (Low_Key => 1, High_Key => 1000, Exp_Count => 1000, Init_Size => 32); Test_Iterate (Low_Key => 1, High_Key => 32, Init_Size => 32); Test_Iterate_Empty (Init_Size => 32); Test_Iterate_Forced (Low_Key => 1, High_Key => 32, Init_Size => 32); Test_Replace (Low_Val => 1, High_Val => 10, Init_Size => 32); Test_Reset (Low_Key => 1, High_Key => 1000, Init_Size => 100); end Dynhash;