! Test the dependency checking in simple where. This ! did not work and was fixed as part of the patch for ! pr24519. ! program where_20 integer :: a(4) integer :: b(3) integer :: c(3) integer :: d(3) = (/1, 2, 3/) equivalence (a(1), b(1)), (a(2), c(1)) ! This classic case worked before the patch. a = (/1, 2, 3, 4/) where (b .gt. 1) a(2:4) = a(1:3) if (any(a .ne. (/1,2,2,3/))) STOP 1 ! This is the original manifestation of the problem ! and is repeated in where_19.f90. a = (/1, 2, 3, 4/) where (b .gt. 1) c = b endwhere if (any(a .ne. (/1,2,2,3/))) STOP 2 ! Mask to.destination dependency. a = (/1, 2, 3, 4/) where (b .gt. 1) c = d endwhere if (any(a .ne. (/1,2,2,3/))) STOP 3 ! Source to.destination dependency. a = (/1, 2, 3, 4/) where (d .gt. 1) c = b endwhere if (any(a .ne. (/1,2,2,3/))) STOP 4 ! Check the simple where. a = (/1, 2, 3, 4/) where (b .gt. 1) c = b if (any(a .ne. (/1,2,2,3/))) STOP 5 ! This was OK before the patch. a = (/1, 2, 3, 4/) where (b .gt. 1) where (d .gt. 1) c = b end where endwhere if (any(a .ne. (/1,2,2,3/))) STOP 6 end program