! Program to test the LEN and LEN_TRIM intrinsics. subroutine test (c) character(*) c character(len(c)) d d = c if (len(d) .ne. 20) STOP 1 if (d .ne. "Longer Test String") STOP 2 c = "Hello World" end subroutine subroutine test2 (c) character (*) c character(len(c)) d d = c if (len(d) .ne. 6) STOP 3 if (d .ne. "Foobar") STOP 4 end subroutine program strlen implicit none character(20) c character(5) a, b integer i c = "Longer Test String" call test (c) if (len(c) .ne. 20) STOP 5 if (len_trim(c) .ne. 11) STOP 6 call test2 ("Foobar"); end program