! PR15619 ! Check that random_seed works as expected. ! Does not check the quality of random numbers, hence should never fail. program test_random implicit none integer, allocatable :: seed(:) real, dimension(10) :: a, b integer n; call random_seed (size=n) allocate (seed(n)) ! Exercise the generator a bit. call random_number (a) ! Remeber the seed and get 10 more. call random_seed (get=seed) call random_number (a) ! Get the same 10 numbers in two blocks, remebering the seed in the middle call random_seed (put=seed) call random_number (b(1:5)) call random_seed(get=seed) call random_number (b(6:10)) if (any (a .ne. b)) STOP 1 ! Get the last 5 numbers again. call random_seed (put=seed) call random_number (b(6:10)) if (any (a .ne. b)) STOP 2 end program