! Program to test the ASSOCIATED intrinsic. program intrinsic_associated call pointer_to_section () call associate_1 () call pointer_to_derived_1 () call associated_2 () end subroutine pointer_to_section () integer, dimension(5, 5), target :: xy integer, dimension(:, :), pointer :: window data xy /25*0/ logical t window => xy(2:4, 3:4) window = 10 window (1, 1) = 0101 window (3, 2) = 4161 window (3, 1) = 4101 window (1, 2) = 0161 t = associated (window, xy(2:4, 3:4)) if (.not.t) STOP 1 ! Check that none of the array got mangled if ((xy(2, 3) .ne. 0101) .or. (xy (4, 4) .ne. 4161) & .or. (xy(4, 3) .ne. 4101) .or. (xy (2, 4) .ne. 0161)) STOP 2 if (any (xy(:, 1:2) .ne. 0)) STOP 3 if (any (xy(:, 5) .ne. 0)) STOP 4 if (any (xy (1, 3:4) .ne. 0)) STOP 5 if (any (xy (5, 3:4) .ne. 0)) STOP 6 if (xy(3, 3) .ne. 10) STOP 7 if (xy(3, 4) .ne. 10) STOP 8 if (any (xy(2:4, 3:4) .ne. window)) STOP 9 end subroutine sub1 (a, ap) integer, pointer :: ap(:, :) integer, target :: a(10, 10) ap => a end subroutine nullify_pp (a) integer, pointer :: a(:, :) if (.not. associated (a)) STOP 10 nullify (a) end subroutine associate_1 () integer, pointer :: a(:, :), b(:, :) interface subroutine nullify_pp (a) integer, pointer :: a(:, :) end subroutine nullify_pp end interface allocate (a(80, 80)) b => a if (.not. associated(a)) STOP 11 if (.not. associated(b)) STOP 12 call nullify_pp (a) if (associated (a)) STOP 13 if (.not. associated (b)) STOP 14 end subroutine pointer_to_derived_1 () type record integer :: value type(record), pointer :: rp end type record type record1 integer value type(record2), pointer :: r1p end type type record2 integer value type(record1), pointer :: r2p end type type(record), target :: e1, e2, e3 type(record1), target :: r1 type(record2), target :: r2 nullify (r1%r1p, r2%r2p, e1%rp, e2%rp, e3%rp) if (associated (r1%r1p)) STOP 15 if (associated (r2%r2p)) STOP 16 if (associated (e2%rp)) STOP 17 if (associated (e1%rp)) STOP 18 if (associated (e3%rp)) STOP 19 r1%r1p => r2 r2%r2p => r1 r1%value = 11 r2%value = 22 e1%rp => e2 e2%rp => e3 e1%value = 33 e1%rp%value = 44 e1%rp%rp%value = 55 if (.not. associated (r1%r1p)) STOP 20 if (.not. associated (r2%r2p)) STOP 21 if (.not. associated (e1%rp)) STOP 22 if (.not. associated (e2%rp)) STOP 23 if (associated (e3%rp)) STOP 24 if (r1%r1p%value .ne. 22) STOP 25 if (r2%r2p%value .ne. 11) STOP 26 if (e1%value .ne. 33) STOP 27 if (e2%value .ne. 44) STOP 28 if (e3%value .ne. 55) STOP 29 if (r1%value .ne. 11) STOP 30 if (r2%value .ne. 22) STOP 31 end subroutine associated_2 () integer, pointer :: xp(:, :) integer, target :: x(10, 10) integer, target :: y(100, 100) interface subroutine sub1 (a, ap) integer, pointer :: ap(:, :) integer, target :: a(10, 10) end endinterface xp => y if (.not. associated (xp)) STOP 32 call sub1 (x, xp) if (associated (xp, y)) STOP 33 if (.not. associated (xp, x)) STOP 34 end