! Program to test the ABS intrinsic program intrinsic_abs implicit none integer i real(kind=4) r real(kind=8) q complex z i = 42 i = abs(i) if (i .ne. 42) STOP 1 i = -43 i = abs(i) if (i .ne. 43) STOP 2 r = 42.0 r = abs(r) if (r .ne. 42.0) STOP 3 r = -43.0 r = abs(r) if (r .ne. 43.0) STOP 4 q = 42.0_8 q = abs(q) if (q .ne. 42.0_8) STOP 5 q = -43.0_8 q = abs(q) if (q .ne. 43.0_8) STOP 6 z = (3, 4) r = abs(z) if (r .ne. 5) STOP 7 end program