! Program to test IO of derived types program derived_io character(400) :: buf1, buf2, buf3 type xyz_type integer :: x character(11) :: y logical :: z end type xyz_type type abcdef_type integer :: a logical :: b type (xyz_type) :: c integer :: d real(4) :: e character(11) :: f end type abcdef_type type (xyz_type), dimension(2) :: xyz type (abcdef_type) abcdef xyz(1)%x = 11111 xyz(1)%y = "hello world" xyz(1)%z = .true. xyz(2)%x = 0 xyz(2)%y = "go away" xyz(2)%z = .false. abcdef%a = 0 abcdef%b = .true. abcdef%c%x = 111 abcdef%c%y = "bzz booo" abcdef%c%z = .false. abcdef%d = 3 abcdef%e = 4.0 abcdef%f = "kawabanga" write (buf1, *), xyz(1)%x, xyz(1)%y, xyz(1)%z ! Use function call to ensure it is only evaluated once write (buf2, *), xyz(bar()) if (buf1.ne.buf2) STOP 1 write (buf1, *), abcdef write (buf2, *), abcdef%a, abcdef%b, abcdef%c, abcdef%d, abcdef%e, abcdef%f write (buf3, *), abcdef%a, abcdef%b, abcdef%c%x, abcdef%c%y, & abcdef%c%z, abcdef%d, abcdef%e, abcdef%f if (buf1.ne.buf2) STOP 2 if (buf1.ne.buf3) STOP 3 call foo(xyz(1)) contains subroutine foo(t) type (xyz_type) t write (buf1, *), t%x, t%y, t%z write (buf2, *), t if (buf1.ne.buf2) STOP 4 end subroutine foo integer function bar() integer, save :: i = 1 bar = i i = i + 1 end function end