! { dg-do run { target fd_truncate } } ! ! Test the fix for PR34875, in which the read with a vector index ! used to do nothing. ! ! Contributed by Dick Hendrickson <dick.hendrickson@gmail.com> ! Program QH0008 REAL(4) QDA(10) REAL(4) QDA1(10) ! Scramble the vector up a bit to make the test more interesting integer, dimension(10) :: nfv1 = (/9,2,1,3,5,4,6,8,7,10/) ! Set qda1 in ordinal order qda1(nfv1) = nfv1 qda = -100 OPEN (UNIT = 47, & STATUS = 'SCRATCH', & FORM = 'UNFORMATTED', & ACTION = 'READWRITE') ISTAT = -314 REWIND (47, IOSTAT = ISTAT) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) STOP 1 ISTAT = -314 ! write qda1 WRITE (47,IOSTAT = ISTAT) QDA1 IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) STOP 2 ISTAT = -314 REWIND (47, IOSTAT = ISTAT) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) STOP 3 ! Do the vector index read that used to fail READ (47,IOSTAT = ISTAT) QDA(NFV1) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) STOP 4 ! Unscramble qda using the vector index IF (ANY (QDA(nfv1) .ne. QDA1) ) print *, qda, qda1 ISTAT = -314 REWIND (47, IOSTAT = ISTAT) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) STOP 5 qda = -200 ! Do the subscript read that was OK READ (47,IOSTAT = ISTAT) QDA(1:10) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) STOP 6 IF (ANY (QDA .ne. QDA1) ) STOP 7 END