! { dg-do run } ! { dg-additional-sources value_4.c } ! { dg-options "-ff2c -w -O0" } ! ! Tests the functionality of the patch for PR29642, which requested the ! implementation of the F2003 VALUE attribute for gfortran, by calling ! external C functions by value and by reference. This is effectively ! identical to c_by_val_1.f, which does the same for %VAL. ! ! Contributed by Paul Thomas ! module global interface delta module procedure deltai, deltar, deltac end interface delta real(4) :: epsi = epsilon (1.0_4) contains function deltai (a, b) result (c) integer(4) :: a, b logical :: c c = (a /= b) end function deltai function deltar (a, b) result (c) real(4) :: a, b logical :: c c = (abs (a-b) > epsi) end function deltar function deltac (a, b) result (c) complex(4) :: a, b logical :: c c = ((abs (real (a-b)) > epsi).or.(abs (aimag (a-b)) > epsi)) end function deltac end module global program value_4 use global interface function f_to_f (x, y) real(4), pointer :: f_to_f real(4) :: x, y value :: x end function f_to_f end interface interface function i_to_i (x, y) integer(4), pointer :: i_to_i integer(4) :: x, y value :: x end function i_to_i end interface interface complex(4) function c_to_c (x, y) complex(4) :: x, y value :: x end function c_to_c end interface real(4) a, b, c integer(4) i, j, k complex(4) u, v, w a = 42.0 b = 0.0 c = a b = f_to_f (a, c) if (delta ((2.0 * a), b)) STOP 1 i = 99 j = 0 k = i j = i_to_i (i, k) if (delta ((3_4 * i), j)) STOP 2 u = (-1.0, 2.0) v = (1.0, -2.0) w = u v = c_to_c (u, w) if (delta ((4.0 * u), v)) STOP 3 end program value_4