! { dg-do run } ! Testing fix for ! PR fortran/60414 ! module m implicit none Type T real, public :: expectedScalar; contains procedure :: FCheck procedure :: FCheckArr generic :: Check => FCheck, FCheckArr end Type contains subroutine FCheck(this,X) class(T) this class(*) X real :: r select type (X) type is (real) if ( abs (X - this%expectedScalar) > 0.0001 ) then STOP 1 end if class default STOP 2 end select end subroutine FCheck subroutine FCheckArr(this,X) class(T) this class(*) X(:) integer i do i = 1,6 this%expectedScalar = i - 1.0 call this%FCheck(X(i)) end do end subroutine FCheckArr subroutine CheckTextVector(vec, n, scal) integer, intent(in) :: n class(*), intent(in) :: vec(n) class(*), intent(in) :: scal integer j Type(T) :: Tester ! Check full vector call Tester%Check(vec) ! Check a scalar of the same class like the vector Tester%expectedScalar = 5.0 call Tester%Check(scal) ! Check an element of the vector, which is a scalar j=3 Tester%expectedScalar = 2.0 call Tester%Check(vec(j)) end subroutine CheckTextVector end module program test use :: m implicit none real :: vec(1:6) = (/ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 /) call checktextvector(vec, 6, 5.0) end program test