! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-Warray-temporaries -fdump-tree-original -finline-matmul-limit=0" } ! ! PR fortran/45648 ! Non-copying descriptor transpose optimization (for function call args). ! ! Contributed by Richard Sandiford module foo interface subroutine ext1 (a, b) real, intent (in), dimension (:, :) :: a, b end subroutine ext1 subroutine ext2 (a, b) real, intent (in), dimension (:, :) :: a real, intent (out), dimension (:, :) :: b end subroutine ext2 subroutine ext3 (a, b) real, dimension (:, :) :: a, b end subroutine ext3 end interface contains ! No temporary needed here. subroutine test1 (n, a, b, c) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a, b, c a = matmul (transpose (b), c) end subroutine test1 ! No temporary either, as we know the arguments to matmul are intent(in) subroutine test2 (n, a, b) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a, b a = matmul (transpose (b), b) end subroutine test2 ! No temporary needed. subroutine test3 (n, a, b, c) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a, c real, dimension (n+4, n+4) :: b a = matmul (transpose (b (2:n+1, 3:n+2)), c) end subroutine test3 ! A temporary is needed for the result of either the transpose or matmul. subroutine test4 (n, a, b) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a, b a = matmul (transpose (a), b) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } end subroutine test4 ! The temporary is needed here since the second argument to imp1 ! has unknown intent. subroutine test5 (n, a) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a call imp1 (transpose (a), a) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } end subroutine test5 ! No temporaries are needed here; imp1 can't modify either argument. ! We have to pack the arguments, however. subroutine test6 (n, a, b) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a, b call imp1 (transpose (a), transpose (b)) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } end subroutine test6 ! No temporaries are needed here; imp1 can't modify either argument. ! We don't have to pack the arguments. subroutine test6_bis (n, a, b) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a, b call ext3 (transpose (a), transpose (b)) end subroutine test6_bis ! No temporary is neede here; the second argument is intent(in). subroutine test7 (n, a) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a call ext1 (transpose (a), a) end subroutine test7 ! The temporary is needed here though. subroutine test8 (n, a) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a call ext2 (transpose (a), a) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } end subroutine test8 ! Silly, but we don't need any temporaries here. subroutine test9 (n, a) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a call ext1 (transpose (transpose (a)), a) end subroutine test9 ! The outer transpose needs a temporary; the inner one doesn't. subroutine test10 (n, a) integer :: n real, dimension (n, n) :: a call ext2 (transpose (transpose (a)), a) ! { dg-warning "Creating array temporary" } end subroutine test10 end module foo ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "struct\[^\\n\]*atmp" 4 "original" } }