! { dg-do run } ! { dg-options "-O2" } ! { dg-skip-if "NaN not supported" { spu-*-* } } ! Tests that the PRs caused by the lack of gfc_simplify_transfer are ! now fixed. These were brought together in the meta-bug PR31237 ! (TRANSFER intrinsic). ! Remaining PRs on 20070409 :-18769 30881 31194 31216 31424 31427 ! program simplify_transfer CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: buffer="1.0 3.0" call pr18769 () call pr30881 () call pr31194 () call pr31216 () call pr31427 () contains subroutine pr18769 () ! ! Contributed by Joost VandeVondele ! implicit none type t integer :: i end type t type (t), parameter :: u = t (42) integer, parameter :: idx_list(1) = (/ 1 /) integer :: j(1) = transfer (u, idx_list) if (j(1) .ne. 42) STOP 1 end subroutine pr18769 subroutine pr30881 () ! ! Contributed by Joost VandeVondele ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: K=1 INTEGER :: I I=TRANSFER(.TRUE.,K) SELECT CASE(I) CASE(TRANSFER(.TRUE.,K)) CASE(TRANSFER(.FALSE.,K)) STOP 2 CASE DEFAULT STOP 3 END SELECT I=TRANSFER(.FALSE.,K) SELECT CASE(I) CASE(TRANSFER(.TRUE.,K)) STOP 4 CASE(TRANSFER(.FALSE.,K)) CASE DEFAULT STOP 5 END SELECT END subroutine pr30881 subroutine pr31194 () ! ! Contributed by Tobias Burnus ! real(kind(0d0)) :: NaN = transfer(ishft(int(z'FFF80000',8),32),0d0) write (buffer,'(e12.5)') NaN if (buffer(10:12) .ne. "NaN") STOP 6 end subroutine pr31194 subroutine pr31216 () ! ! Contributed by Joost VandeVondele ! INTEGER :: I REAL :: C,D buffer = " 1.0 3.0" READ(buffer,*) C,D I=TRANSFER(C/D,I) SELECT CASE(I) CASE (TRANSFER(1.0/3.0,1)) CASE DEFAULT STOP 7 END SELECT END subroutine pr31216 subroutine pr31427 () ! ! Contributed by Michael Richmond ! INTEGER(KIND=1) :: i(1) i = (/ TRANSFER("a", 0_1) /) if (i(1) .ne. ichar ("a")) STOP 8 END subroutine pr31427 end program simplify_transfer