! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-std=f2003" } ! { dg-compile-aux-modules "test_common_binding_labels_2.f03" } ! module test_common_binding_labels_2_main use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_double, c_int implicit none common /mycom/ r, s ! { dg-error "same binding name" } real(c_double) :: r real(c_double) :: s ! this next line is an error; if a common block is bind(c), the binding label ! for it must match across all scoping units that declare it. bind(c, name="my_common_block_2") :: /mycom/ common /com2/ i ! { dg-error "same binding name" } integer(c_int) :: i bind(c, name="mycom2") /com2/ end module test_common_binding_labels_2_main program main use test_common_binding_labels_2 ! { dg-error "same binding name" } use test_common_binding_labels_2_main ! { dg-error "same binding name" } end program main ! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "test_common_binding_labels_2" } }