! { dg-do compile } ! ! Error checking for the SELECT TYPE statement ! ! Contributed by Janus Weil <janus@gcc.gnu.org> type :: t1 integer :: i = 42 class(t1),pointer :: cp end type type, extends(t1) :: t2 integer :: j = 99 end type type :: t3 real :: r end type type :: ts sequence integer :: k = 5 end type class(t1), pointer :: a => NULL() class(t1), allocatable, dimension(:) :: ca type(t1), target :: b type(t2), target :: c a => b print *, a%i type is (t1) ! { dg-error "Unexpected TYPE IS statement" } select type (3.5) ! { dg-error "is not a named variable" } select type (a%cp) ! { dg-error "is not a named variable" } select type (ca(1))! { dg-error "is not a named variable" } select type (b) ! { dg-error "Selector shall be polymorphic" } end select select type (a) print *,"hello world!" ! { dg-error "Expected TYPE IS, CLASS IS or END SELECT" } type is (t1) print *,"a is TYPE(t1)" type is (t2) print *,"a is TYPE(t2)" class is (ts) ! { dg-error "must be extensible" } print *,"a is TYPE(ts)" type is (t3) ! { dg-error "must be an extension of" } print *,"a is TYPE(t3)" type is (t4) ! { dg-error "error in TYPE IS specification" } print *,"a is TYPE(t3)" class is (t1) print *,"a is CLASS(t1)" class is (t2) label ! { dg-error "Syntax error" } print *,"a is CLASS(t2)" class default ! { dg-error "cannot be followed by a second DEFAULT CASE" } print *,"default" class default ! { dg-error "cannot be followed by a second DEFAULT CASE" } print *,"default2" end select label: select type (a) type is (t1) label print *,"a is TYPE(t1)" type is (t2) ! { dg-error "overlaps with TYPE IS" } print *,"a is TYPE(t2)" type is (t2) ! { dg-error "overlaps with TYPE IS" } print *,"a is still TYPE(t2)" class is (t1) labe ! { dg-error "Expected block name" } print *,"a is CLASS(t1)" end select label end