! { dg-do run } ! { dg-skip-if "Too big for local store" { spu-*-* } } ! Tests the patch that implements F2003 automatic allocation and ! reallocation of allocatable arrays on assignment. The tests ! below were generated in the final stages of the development of ! this patch. ! test1 has been corrected for PR47051 ! ! Contributed by Dominique Dhumieres ! and Tobias Burnus ! integer :: nglobal call test1 call test2 call test3 call test4 call test5 call test6 call test7 call test8 contains subroutine test1 ! ! Check that the bounds are set correctly, when assigning ! to an array that already has the correct shape. ! real :: a(10) = 1, b(51:60) = 2 real, allocatable :: c(:), d(:) c=a if (lbound (c, 1) .ne. lbound(a, 1)) STOP 1 if (ubound (c, 1) .ne. ubound(a, 1)) STOP 2 c=b ! "If variable is an allocated allocatable variable, it is ! deallocated if expr is an array of different shape or any of the ! corresponding length type parameter values of variable and expr ! differ." Here the shape is the same so the deallocation does not ! occur and the bounds are not recalculated. This was corrected ! for the fix of PR47051. if (lbound (c, 1) .ne. lbound(a, 1)) STOP 3 if (ubound (c, 1) .ne. ubound(a, 1)) STOP 4 d=b if (lbound (d, 1) .ne. lbound(b, 1)) STOP 5 if (ubound (d, 1) .ne. ubound(b, 1)) STOP 6 d=a ! The other PR47051 correction. if (lbound (d, 1) .ne. lbound(b, 1)) STOP 7 if (ubound (d, 1) .ne. ubound(b, 1)) STOP 8 end subroutine subroutine test2 ! ! Check that the bounds are set correctly, when making an ! assignment with an implicit conversion. First with a ! non-descriptor variable.... ! integer(4), allocatable :: a(:) integer(8) :: b(5:6) a = b if (lbound (a, 1) .ne. lbound(b, 1)) STOP 9 if (ubound (a, 1) .ne. ubound(b, 1)) STOP 10 end subroutine subroutine test3 ! ! ...and now a descriptor variable. ! integer(4), allocatable :: a(:) integer(8), allocatable :: b(:) allocate (b(7:11)) a = b if (lbound (a, 1) .ne. lbound(b, 1)) STOP 11 if (ubound (a, 1) .ne. ubound(b, 1)) STOP 12 end subroutine subroutine test4 ! ! Check assignments of the kind a = f(...) ! integer, allocatable :: a(:) integer, allocatable :: c(:) a = f() if (any (a .ne. [1, 2, 3, 4])) STOP 13 c = a + 8 a = f (c) if (any ((a - 8) .ne. [1, 2, 3, 4])) STOP 14 deallocate (c) a = f (c) if (any ((a - 4) .ne. [1, 2, 3, 4])) STOP 15 end subroutine function f(b) integer, allocatable, optional :: b(:) integer :: f(4) if (.not.present (b)) then f = [1,2,3,4] elseif (.not.allocated (b)) then f = [5,6,7,8] else f = b end if end function f subroutine test5 ! ! Extracted from rnflow.f90, Polyhedron benchmark suite, ! http://www.polyhedron.com ! integer, parameter :: ncls = 233, ival = 16, ipic = 17 real, allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: utrsft real, allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: dtrsft real, allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: xwrkt allocate (utrsft(ncls, ncls), dtrsft(ncls, ncls)) nglobal = 0 xwrkt = trs2a2 (ival, ipic, ncls) if (any (shape (xwrkt) .ne. [ncls, ncls])) STOP 16 xwrkt = invima (xwrkt, ival, ipic, ncls) if (nglobal .ne. 1) STOP 17 if (sum(xwrkt) .ne. xwrkt(ival, ival)) STOP 18 end subroutine function trs2a2 (j, k, m) real, dimension (1:m,1:m) :: trs2a2 integer, intent (in) :: j, k, m nglobal = nglobal + 1 trs2a2 = 0.0 end function trs2a2 function invima (a, j, k, m) real, dimension (1:m,1:m) :: invima real, dimension (1:m,1:m), intent (in) :: a integer, intent (in) :: j, k invima = 0.0 invima (j, j) = 1.0 / (1.0 - a (j, j)) end function invima subroutine test6 character(kind=1, len=100), allocatable, dimension(:) :: str str = [ "abc" ] if (TRIM(str(1)) .ne. "abc") STOP 19 if (len(str) .ne. 100) STOP 20 end subroutine subroutine test7 character(kind=4, len=100), allocatable, dimension(:) :: str character(kind=4, len=3) :: test = "abc" str = [ "abc" ] if (TRIM(str(1)) .ne. test) STOP 21 if (len(str) .ne. 100) STOP 22 end subroutine subroutine test8 type t integer, allocatable :: a(:) end type t type(t) :: x x%a= [1,2,3] if (any (x%a .ne. [1,2,3])) STOP 23 x%a = [4] if (any (x%a .ne. [4])) STOP 24 end subroutine end