! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-Ofast -fno-tree-forwprop" } ! Test that PR 82976 is fixed, this used to ICE. ! ! Contributed by Stefan Mauerberger ! PROGRAM main !USE MPI TYPE :: test_typ REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: a(:) END TYPE TYPE(test_typ) :: xx, yy TYPE(test_typ), ALLOCATABLE :: conc(:) !CALL MPI_INIT(i) xx = test_typ( [1.0,2.0] ) yy = test_typ( [4.0,4.9] ) conc = [ xx, yy ] if (any (int (10.0*conc(1)%a) .ne. [10,20])) STOP 1 if (any (int (10.0*conc(2)%a) .ne. [40,49])) STOP 2 !CALL MPI_FINALIZE(i) END PROGRAM main