! { dg-do run } ! PR52012 - with realloc_lhs active(ie. default condition) the ! offset was wrongly calculated for a, after assignment. ! ! Reported by Reinhold Bader and Tobias Burnus ! program gf implicit none real, allocatable :: a(:,:,:) real, parameter :: zero = 0.0, one = 1.0 real :: b(3,4,5) = zero b(1,2,3) = one allocate (a(size (b, 3), size (b, 2), size (b, 1))) a = reshape (b, shape (a), order = [3, 2, 1]) if (any (a(:, 2, 1) .ne. [zero, zero, one, zero, zero])) STOP 1 if (a(3, 2, 1) /= one) STOP 1 if (sum (abs (a)) /= one) STOP 2 end program