! { dg-do run { target fd_truncate } } ! PR25697 Check that reading from a file that is at end-of-file does not ! segfault or give error. Test case derived from example in PR from Dale Ranta. ! Contributed by Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org> integer data(9) do i = 1,9 data(i)=-3 enddo open(unit=11,status='scratch',form='unformatted') write(11)data read(11,end= 1000 )data STOP 1 1000 continue backspace 11 backspace 11 write(11)data rewind 11 data = 0 read(11,end= 1001 )data 1001 continue read(11,end= 1002 )data STOP 1 1002 continue if (.not. all(data == -3)) STOP 2 close(11) end