! { dg-do run } ! ! PR 41139: [4.5 Regression] a procedure pointer call as actual argument ! ! Original test case by Barron Bichon ! Modified by Janus Weil PROGRAM test PROCEDURE(add), POINTER :: f logical :: g ! Passing the function works g=greater(4.,add(1.,2.)) if (.not. g) STOP 1 ! Passing the procedure pointer fails f => add g=greater(4.,f(1.,2.)) if (.not. g) STOP 2 CONTAINS REAL FUNCTION add(x,y) REAL, INTENT(in) :: x,y print *,"add:",x,y add = x+y END FUNCTION add LOGICAL FUNCTION greater(x,y) REAL, INTENT(in) :: x, y greater = (x > y) END FUNCTION greater END PROGRAM test