! { dg-do run } ! Tests the fix for PR19546 in which an ICE would result from ! setting the parent result in a contained procedure. ! This case tests character results. ! function f() character(4) :: f f = "efgh" call sub () if (f.eq."iklm") f = "abcd" call sub () contains subroutine sub f = "wxyz" if (f.eq."efgh") f = "iklm" end subroutine sub end function f function g() ! { dg-warning "Obsolescent feature" } character(*) :: g g = "efgh" call sub () if (g.eq."iklm") g = "ABCD" call sub () contains subroutine sub g = "WXYZ" if (g.eq."efgh") g = "iklm" end subroutine sub end function g character(4), external :: f, g if (f ().ne."wxyz") STOP 1 if (g ().ne."WXYZ") STOP 2 end