! { dg-do run } ! { dg-add-options ieee } ! { dg-skip-if "NaN not supported" { spu-*-* } } ! ! PR fortran/34427 ! ! Check that namelists and the real values Inf, NaN, Infinity ! properly coexist with interceding line ends and spaces. ! PROGRAM TEST IMPLICIT NONE real , DIMENSION(10) ::foo integer :: infinity integer :: numb NAMELIST /nl/ foo NAMELIST /nl/ infinity foo = -1.0 infinity = -1 open (10, status="scratch") write (10,'(a)') " &nl foo(1:6) = 5, 5, 5, nan, infinity" write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') "infinity" write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') " " write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') write (10,'(a)') "=1/" rewind (10) READ (10, NML = nl) CLOSE (10) if(infinity /= 1) STOP 1 if(any(foo(1:3) /= [5.0, 5.0, 5.0]) .or. .not.isnan(foo(4)) & .or. (foo(5) <= huge(foo)) .or. any(foo(6:10) /= -1.0)) & STOP 2 END PROGRAM TEST