! { dg-do run } ! PR30918 Failure to skip commented out NAMELIST ! Before the patch, this read the commented out namelist and iuse would ! equal 2 when done. Test case from PR. program gfcbug58 implicit none integer :: iuse = 0, ios integer, parameter :: nmlunit = 10 ! Namelist unit !------------------ ! Namelist 'REPORT' !------------------ character(len=12) :: type, use integer :: max_proc namelist /REPORT/ type, use, max_proc !------------------ ! Set up the test file !------------------ open(unit=nmlunit, status="scratch") write(nmlunit, '(a)') "!================" write(nmlunit, '(a)') "! Namelist REPORT" write(nmlunit, '(a)') "!================" write(nmlunit, '(a)') "! &REPORT use = 'ignore' / ! Comment" write(nmlunit, '(a)') "!" write(nmlunit, '(a)') " &REPORT type = 'SYNOP'" write(nmlunit, '(a)') " use = 'active'" write(nmlunit, '(a)') " max_proc = 20" write(nmlunit, '(a)') " /" rewind(nmlunit) !------------------------------------- ! Loop to read namelist multiple times !------------------------------------- do !---------------------------------------- ! Preset namelist variables with defaults !---------------------------------------- type = '' use = '' max_proc = -1 !-------------- ! Read namelist !-------------- read (nmlunit, nml=REPORT, iostat=ios) if (ios /= 0) exit iuse = iuse + 1 end do if (iuse /= 1) STOP 1 end program gfcbug58