! { dg-options "-O3 -fdump-tree-lversion-details" } subroutine f1(x) real :: x(:, :) x(1, :) = 100 end subroutine f1 subroutine f2(x, i) real :: x(:, :) integer :: i x(i, :) = 100 end subroutine f2 subroutine f3(x) real :: x(:, :) do j = lbound(x, 2), ubound(x, 2) x(1, j) = 100 end do end subroutine f3 subroutine f4(x, i) real :: x(:, :) integer :: i do j = lbound(x, 2), ubound(x, 2) x(i, j) = 100 end do end subroutine f4 ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times {likely to be the innermost dimension} 4 "lversion" } } ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not {want to version} "lversion" } } ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not {versioned} "lversion" } }