! { dg-do run } ! Test the fix for PR43180, in which patch which reduced the use of ! internal_pack/unpack messed up the passing of ru(1)%c as the actual ! argument at line 23 in this testcase. ! ! Contributed by Harald Anlauf ! further reduced by Tobias Burnus ! module mo_obs_rules type t_set integer :: use = 42 end type t_set type t_rules character(len=40) :: comment type(t_set) :: c (1) end type t_rules type (t_rules), save :: ru (1) contains subroutine get_rule (c) type(t_set) :: c (:) ru(1)%c(:)%use = 99 if (any (c(:)%use .ne. 42)) STOP 1 call set_set_v (ru(1)%c, c) if (any (c(:)%use .ne. 99)) STOP 2 contains subroutine set_set_v (src, dst) type(t_set), intent(in) :: src(1) type(t_set), intent(inout) :: dst(1) if (any (src%use .ne. 99)) STOP 3 if (any (dst%use .ne. 42)) STOP 4 dst = src end subroutine set_set_v end subroutine get_rule end module mo_obs_rules program test use mo_obs_rules type(t_set) :: c (1) call get_rule (c) end program test