! { dg-do compile } ! Tests the fix for the interface bit of PR29975, in which the ! interfaces bl_copy were rejected as ambiguous, even though ! they import different specific interfaces. In this testcase, ! it is verified that ambiguous specific interfaces are caught. ! ! Contributed by Joost VandeVondele and ! simplified by Tobias Burnus ! SUBROUTINE RECOPY(N, c) real, INTENT(IN) :: N character(6) :: c print *, n c = "recopy" END SUBROUTINE RECOPY MODULE f77_blas_extra PUBLIC :: BL_COPY INTERFACE BL_COPY MODULE PROCEDURE SDCOPY END INTERFACE BL_COPY CONTAINS SUBROUTINE SDCOPY(N, c) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: N character(6) :: c print *, n c = "sdcopy" END SUBROUTINE SDCOPY END MODULE f77_blas_extra MODULE f77_blas_generic INTERFACE BL_COPY SUBROUTINE RECOPY(N, c) real, INTENT(IN) :: N character(6) :: c END SUBROUTINE RECOPY END INTERFACE BL_COPY END MODULE f77_blas_generic subroutine i_am_ok USE f77_blas_extra ! { dg-warning "ambiguous interfaces" } USE f77_blas_generic character(6) :: chr chr = "" if (chr /= "recopy") STOP 1 end subroutine i_am_ok program main USE f77_blas_extra ! { dg-error "Ambiguous interfaces" } USE f77_blas_generic ! { dg-error "Ambiguous interfaces" } character(6) :: chr chr = "" call bl_copy(1.0, chr) if (chr /= "recopy") STOP 2 end program main