! { dg-do run { xfail spu-*-* } } ! FAILs on SPU because of invalid result of 1.0/0.0 inline code ! { dg-options "-fno-range-check" } ! { dg-add-options ieee } module mod_check implicit none interface check module procedure check_i8 module procedure check_i4 module procedure check_r8 module procedure check_r4 module procedure check_c8 module procedure check_c4 end interface check contains subroutine check_i8 (a, b) integer(kind=8), intent(in) :: a, b if (a /= b) STOP 1 end subroutine check_i8 subroutine check_i4 (a, b) integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: a, b if (a /= b) STOP 2 end subroutine check_i4 subroutine check_r8 (a, b) real(kind=8), intent(in) :: a, b if (a /= b) STOP 3 end subroutine check_r8 subroutine check_r4 (a, b) real(kind=4), intent(in) :: a, b if (a /= b) STOP 4 end subroutine check_r4 subroutine check_c8 (a, b) complex(kind=8), intent(in) :: a, b if (a /= b) STOP 5 end subroutine check_c8 subroutine check_c4 (a, b) complex(kind=4), intent(in) :: a, b if (a /= b) STOP 6 end subroutine check_c4 end module mod_check program test use mod_check implicit none integer(kind=4) :: i4 integer(kind=8) :: i8 real(kind=4) :: r4 real(kind=8) :: r8 complex(kind=4) :: c4 complex(kind=8) :: c8 #define TEST(base,exp,var) var = base; call check((var)**(exp),(base)**(exp)) !!!!! INTEGER BASE !!!!! TEST(3,23,i4) TEST(-3,23,i4) TEST(3_8,43_8,i8) TEST(-3_8,43_8,i8) !!!!! REAL BASE !!!!! TEST(0.0,-1,r4) TEST(0.0,-huge(0)-1,r4) TEST(2.0,huge(0),r4) TEST(nearest(1.0,-1.0),-huge(0),r4) end program test