! { dg-do run } ! { dg-additional-options "-ffree-line-length-none" } ! { dg-additional-options "-mfp-trap-mode=sui" { target alpha*-*-* } } ! ! Use dg-additional-options rather than dg-options to avoid overwriting the ! default IEEE options which are passed by ieee.exp and necessary. use ieee_features use ieee_exceptions use ieee_arithmetic implicit none ! k1 and k2 will be large real kinds, if supported, and single/double ! otherwise integer, parameter :: k1 = & max(ieee_selected_real_kind(precision(0.d0) + 1), kind(0.)) integer, parameter :: k2 = & max(ieee_selected_real_kind(precision(0._k1) + 1), kind(0.d0)) type(ieee_flag_type), parameter :: x(5) = & [ IEEE_INVALID, IEEE_OVERFLOW, IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, & IEEE_UNDERFLOW, IEEE_INEXACT ] logical :: l(5) = .false. character(len=5) :: s #define FLAGS_STRING(S) \ call ieee_get_flag(x, l) ; \ write(S,"(5(A1))") merge(["I","O","Z","U","P"],[" "," "," "," "," "],l) #define CHECK_FLAGS(expected) \ FLAGS_STRING(s) ; \ if (s /= expected) then ; \ write (*,"(A,I0,A,A)") "Flags at line ", __LINE__, ": ", s ; \ STOP 1; \ end if ; \ call check_flag_sub real(kind=k1), volatile :: sx real(kind=k2), volatile :: dx ! This file tests IEEE_SET_FLAG and IEEE_GET_FLAG !!!! Large kind 1 ! Initial flags are all off CHECK_FLAGS(" ") ! Check we can clear them call ieee_set_flag(ieee_all, .false.) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") ! Raise invalid, then clear sx = -1 sx = sqrt(sx) CHECK_FLAGS("I ") call ieee_set_flag(ieee_all, .false.) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") ! Raise overflow and precision sx = huge(sx) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") sx = sx*sx CHECK_FLAGS(" O P") ! Also raise divide-by-zero sx = 0 sx = 1 / sx CHECK_FLAGS(" OZ P") ! Clear them call ieee_set_flag([ieee_overflow,ieee_inexact,& ieee_divide_by_zero],[.false.,.false.,.true.]) CHECK_FLAGS(" Z ") call ieee_set_flag(ieee_divide_by_zero, .false.) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") ! Raise underflow sx = tiny(sx) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") sx = sx / 10 CHECK_FLAGS(" UP") ! Raise everything call ieee_set_flag(ieee_all, .true.) CHECK_FLAGS("IOZUP") ! And clear call ieee_set_flag(ieee_all, .false.) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") !!!! Large kind 2 ! Initial flags are all off CHECK_FLAGS(" ") ! Check we can clear them call ieee_set_flag(ieee_all, .false.) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") ! Raise invalid, then clear dx = -1 dx = sqrt(dx) CHECK_FLAGS("I ") call ieee_set_flag(ieee_all, .false.) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") ! Raise overflow and precision dx = huge(dx) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") dx = dx*dx CHECK_FLAGS(" O P") ! Also raise divide-by-zero dx = 0 dx = 1 / dx CHECK_FLAGS(" OZ P") ! Clear them call ieee_set_flag([ieee_overflow,ieee_inexact,& ieee_divide_by_zero],[.false.,.false.,.true.]) CHECK_FLAGS(" Z ") call ieee_set_flag(ieee_divide_by_zero, .false.) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") ! Raise underflow dx = tiny(dx) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") dx = dx / 10 CHECK_FLAGS(" UP") ! Raise everything call ieee_set_flag(ieee_all, .true.) CHECK_FLAGS("IOZUP") ! And clear call ieee_set_flag(ieee_all, .false.) CHECK_FLAGS(" ") contains subroutine check_flag_sub use ieee_exceptions logical :: l(5) = .false. type(ieee_flag_type), parameter :: x(5) = & [ IEEE_INVALID, IEEE_OVERFLOW, IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, & IEEE_UNDERFLOW, IEEE_INEXACT ] call ieee_get_flag(x, l) if (any(l)) then print *, "Flags not cleared in subroutine" STOP 2 end if end subroutine end