! Test valid usages of the if_present clause. ! { dg-additional-options "-fdump-tree-omplower" } subroutine t implicit none integer a, b, c(10) real, allocatable :: x, y, z(:) a = 5 b = 10 c(:) = -1 allocate (x, y, z(100)) !$acc update self(a) if_present !$acc update device(b) if_present async !$acc update host(c(1:3)) wait(4) if_present !$acc update self(c) device(a) host(b) if_present async(10) if(a == 10) !$acc update self(x) if_present !$acc update device(y) if_present async !$acc update host(z(1:3)) wait(3) if_present !$acc update self(z) device(y) host(x) if_present async(4) if(a == 1) end subroutine t ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times " if_present" 8 "omplower" } }