! Invalid use of routines defined inside a Fortran module. ! { dg-compile-aux-modules "routine-module-mod-1.f90" } program main use routine_module_mod_1 implicit none !$acc routine (s_1) seq ! { dg-error "Cannot change attributes of USE-associated symbol s_1" } ! { dg-error "NAME 's_1' invalid in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } !$acc routine (s_2) seq ! { dg-error "Cannot change attributes of USE-associated symbol s_2" } ! { dg-error "NAME 's_2' invalid in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } !$acc routine (v_1) seq ! { dg-error "Cannot change attributes of USE-associated symbol v_1" } ! { dg-error "NAME 'v_1' invalid in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } !$acc routine (w_1) gang ! { dg-error "Cannot change attributes of USE-associated symbol w_1" } ! { dg-error "NAME 'w_1' invalid in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } end program main