! Verify the accuracy of the line number associated with combined constructs. ! See "../../c-c++-common/goacc/combined-directives-3.c". subroutine test implicit none integer x, y, z !$acc parallel loop seq auto ! { dg-error "'seq' overrides other OpenACC loop specifiers" } do x = 0, 10 !$acc loop do y = 0, 10 end do end do !$acc end parallel loop !$acc parallel loop gang auto ! { dg-error "'auto' conflicts with other OpenACC loop specifiers" } do x = 0, 10 !$acc loop worker auto ! { dg-error "'auto' conflicts with other OpenACC loop specifiers" } do y = 0, 10 !$acc loop vector do z = 0, 10 end do end do end do !$acc end parallel loop end subroutine test