! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-ffrontend-optimize -faggressive-function-elimination -finline-matmul-limit=0 -Wfunction-elimination" } ! Check the -ffrontend-optimize (in the absence of -O) and ! -Wfunction-elimination options. program main implicit none real, dimension(2,2) :: a, b, c, d integer :: i real :: x, z character(60) :: line real, external :: ext_func interface elemental function element(x) real, intent(in) :: x real :: elem end function element pure function mypure(x) real, intent(in) :: x integer :: mypure end function mypure elemental impure function elem_impure(x) real, intent(in) :: x real :: elem_impure end function elem_impure end interface data a /2., 3., 5., 7./ data b /11., 13., 17., 23./ write (unit=line, fmt='(4F7.2)') matmul(a,b) & & + matmul(a,b) z = sin(x) + 2.0 + sin(x) print *,z x = ext_func(a) + 23 + ext_func(a) ! { dg-warning "Removing call to impure function" } print *,d,x z = element(x) + element(x) print *,z i = mypure(x) - mypure(x) print *,i z = elem_impure(x) - elem_impure(x) ! { dg-warning "Removing call to impure function" } print *,z end program main