! { dg-do run } ! { dg-options "-ffrontend-optimize -fdump-tree-original" } ! PR 50564 - this used to ICE with front end optimization. ! Original test case by Andrew Benson. program test implicit none double precision, dimension(2) :: timeSteps, control integer :: iTime double precision :: ratio double precision :: a ratio = 0.7d0 control(1) = ratio**(dble(1)-0.5d0)-ratio**(dble(1)-1.5d0) control(2) = ratio**(dble(2)-0.5d0)-ratio**(dble(2)-1.5d0) forall(iTime=1:2) timeSteps(iTime)=ratio**(dble(iTime)-0.5d0)-ratio**(dble(iTime)-1.5d0) end forall if (any(abs(timesteps - control) > 1d-10)) STOP 1 ! Make sure we still do the front-end optimization after a forall a = cos(ratio)*cos(ratio) + sin(ratio)*sin(ratio) if (abs(a-1.d0) > 1d-10) STOP 2 end program test ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "__builtin_cos" 1 "original" } } ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "__builtin_sin" 1 "original" } }