! { dg-do run } ! A test of f2k style constructors with derived type extension. ! ! Contributed by Paul Thomas <pault@gcc.gnu.org> ! module persons type :: person character(24) :: name = "" integer :: ss = 1 end type person end module persons module person_education use persons type, extends(person) :: education integer :: attainment = 0 character(24) :: institution = "" end type education end module person_education use person_education type, extends(education) :: service integer :: personnel_number = 0 character(24) :: department = "" end type service type, extends(service) :: person_record type (person_record), pointer :: supervisor => NULL () end type person_record type(person_record), pointer :: recruit, supervisor ! Check that F2K constructor with missing entries works allocate (supervisor) supervisor%service = service (NAME = "Joe Honcho", SS= 123455) recruit => entry ("John Smith", 123456, 1, "Bog Hill High School", & 99, "Records", supervisor) if (supervisor%ss /= 123455) STOP 1 if (trim (supervisor%name) /= "Joe Honcho") STOP 2 if (trim (supervisor%institution) /= "") STOP 3 if (supervisor%attainment /= 0) STOP 4 if (trim (recruit%name) /= "John Smith") STOP 5 if (recruit%name /= recruit%service%name) STOP 6 if (recruit%supervisor%ss /= 123455) STOP 7 if (recruit%supervisor%ss /= supervisor%person%ss) STOP 8 deallocate (supervisor) deallocate (recruit) contains function entry (name, ss, attainment, institution, & personnel_number, department, supervisor) result (new_person) integer :: ss, attainment, personnel_number character (*) :: name, institution, department type (person_record), pointer :: supervisor, new_person allocate (new_person) ! Check F2K constructor with order shuffled a bit new_person = person_record (NAME = name, SS =ss, & DEPARTMENT = department, & INSTITUTION = institution, & PERSONNEL_NUMBER = personnel_number, & ATTAINMENT = attainment, & SUPERVISOR = supervisor) end function end