! { dg-do compile } ! PR 83664 - invalid code that used to be accepted. program main implicit none integer :: n integer :: i,n1, n2, n3 character(len=3), parameter :: e(2,3,4) = reshape([(repeat(achar(i),3),i=iachar('a'),iachar('a')+2*3*4-1)], & shape(e)) character(len=3), parameter :: bnd2(3,5) = reshape([(repeat(achar(i),3),i=iachar('A'),iachar('A')+3*5-1)], & shape(bnd2)) character(len=3) :: f2(2,3,4) n = -1 f2 = eoshift(e,shift=n,boundary=bnd2) ! { dg-error "has invalid shape" } f2 = eoshift(e,shift=1,boundary="x") ! { dg-error "must be of same type and kind" } print '(*(1H",A,1H",:","))',f2 end program main