! { dg-do run } ! Tests dynamic dispatch of class functions, spread over ! different modules. Apart from the location of the derived ! type declarations, this test is the same as ! dynamic_dispatch_1.f03 ! ! Contributed by Paul Thomas ! module m1 type :: t1 integer :: i = 42 procedure(make_real), pointer :: ptr contains procedure, pass :: real => make_real procedure, pass :: make_integer procedure, pass :: prod => i_m_j generic, public :: extract => real, make_integer end type t1 contains real function make_real (arg) class(t1), intent(in) :: arg make_real = real (arg%i) end function make_real integer function make_integer (arg, arg2) class(t1), intent(in) :: arg integer :: arg2 make_integer = arg%i * arg2 end function make_integer integer function i_m_j (arg) class(t1), intent(in) :: arg i_m_j = arg%i end function i_m_j end module m1 module m2 use m1 type, extends(t1) :: t2 integer :: j = 99 contains procedure, pass :: real => make_real2 procedure, pass :: make_integer => make_integer_2 procedure, pass :: prod => i_m_j_2 end type t2 contains real function make_real2 (arg) class(t2), intent(in) :: arg make_real2 = real (arg%j) end function make_real2 integer function make_integer_2 (arg, arg2) class(t2), intent(in) :: arg integer :: arg2 make_integer_2 = arg%j * arg2 end function make_integer_2 integer function i_m_j_2 (arg) class(t2), intent(in) :: arg i_m_j_2 = arg%j end function i_m_j_2 end module m2 use m1 use m2 type, extends(t1) :: l1 character(16) :: chr end type l1 class(t1), pointer :: a !=> NULL() type(t1), target :: b type(t2), target :: c type(l1), target :: d a => b ! declared type in module m1 if (a%real() .ne. real (42)) STOP 1 if (a%prod() .ne. 42) STOP 2 if (a%extract (2) .ne. 84) STOP 3 a => c ! extension in module m2 if (a%real() .ne. real (99)) STOP 4 if (a%prod() .ne. 99) STOP 5 if (a%extract (3) .ne. 297) STOP 6 a => d ! extension in main if (a%real() .ne. real (42)) STOP 7 if (a%prod() .ne. 42) STOP 8 if (a%extract (4) .ne. 168) STOP 9 end