! { dg-do run } ! ! Functional test of User Defined Derived Type IO, Formatted WRITE/READ ! ! 1) Tests passing of iostat out of the user procedure. ! 2) Tests parsing of the DT optional string and passing in and using ! to control execution. ! 3) Tests parsing of the optional vlist, passing in and using it to ! generate a user defined format string. ! 4) Tests passing an iostat or iomsg out of the libgfortran child ! procedure back to the parent. ! MODULE p USE ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE :: person CHARACTER (LEN=20) :: name INTEGER(4) :: age CONTAINS procedure :: pwf procedure :: prf GENERIC :: WRITE(FORMATTED) => pwf GENERIC :: READ(FORMATTED) => prf END TYPE person CONTAINS SUBROUTINE pwf (dtv,unit,iotype,vlist,iostat,iomsg) CLASS(person), INTENT(IN) :: dtv INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: iotype INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: vlist(:) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: iostat CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: iomsg CHARACTER (LEN=30) :: udfmt INTEGER :: myios udfmt='(*(g0))' iostat=0 if (iotype.eq."DT") then if (size(vlist).ne.0) print *, 36 WRITE(unit, FMT = '(a,5x,i2)', IOSTAT=iostat, advance='no') trim(dtv%name), dtv%age if (iostat.ne.0) iomsg = "Fail PWF DT" endif if (iotype.eq."DTzeroth") then if (size(vlist).ne.0) print *, 40 WRITE(unit, FMT = '(g0,g0)', advance='no') dtv%name, dtv%age if (iostat.ne.0) iomsg = "Fail PWF DTzeroth" endif if (iotype.eq."DTtwo") then if (size(vlist).ne.2) STOP 1 WRITE(udfmt,'(A,A,I1,A,I1,A)') '(', 'A', vlist(1),',I', vlist(2), ')' WRITE(unit, FMT='(A8,I2)') dtv%name, dtv%age if (iostat.ne.0) iomsg = "Fail PWF DTtwo" endif if (iotype.eq."DTthree") then WRITE(udfmt,'(2A,I2,A,I1,A,I2,A)',iostat=myios) '(', 'A', vlist(1),',I', vlist(2), ',F', vlist(3), '.2)' WRITE(unit, FMT=udfmt, IOSTAT=iostat, advance='no') trim(dtv%name), dtv%age, 3.14 if (iostat.ne.0) iomsg = "Fail PWF DTthree" endif if (iotype.eq."LISTDIRECTED") then if (size(vlist).ne.0) print *, 55 WRITE(unit, FMT = *) dtv%name, dtv%age if (iostat.ne.0) iomsg = "Fail PWF LISTDIRECTED" endif if (iotype.eq."NAMELIST") then if (size(vlist).ne.0) print *, 59 iostat=6000 iomsg = "NAMELIST not implemented in pwf" endif END SUBROUTINE pwf SUBROUTINE prf (dtv,unit,iotype,vlist,iostat,iomsg) CLASS(person), INTENT(INOUT) :: dtv INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: iotype INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: vlist(:) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: iostat CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: iomsg CHARACTER (LEN=30) :: udfmt INTEGER :: myios real :: areal udfmt='(*(g0))' iostat=0 if (iotype.eq."DT") then if (size(vlist).ne.0) print *, 36 READ(unit, FMT = '(a,5x,i2)', IOSTAT=iostat, advance='no') dtv%name, dtv%age if (iostat.ne.0) iomsg = "Fail PWF DT" endif if (iotype.eq."DTzeroth") then if (size(vlist).ne.0) print *, 40 READ(unit, FMT = '(a,I2)', advance='no') dtv%name, dtv%age if (iostat.ne.0) iomsg = "Fail PWF DTzeroth" endif if (iotype.eq."DTtwo") then if (size(vlist).ne.2) STOP 2 WRITE(udfmt,'(A,A,I1,A,I1,A)') '(', 'A', vlist(1),',I', vlist(2), ')' READ(unit, FMT='(A8,I2)') dtv%name, dtv%age if (iostat.ne.0) iomsg = "Fail PWF DTtwo" endif if (iotype.eq."DTthree") then WRITE(udfmt,'(2A,I2,A,I1,A,I2,A)',iostat=myios) '(', 'A', vlist(1),',I', vlist(2), ',F', vlist(3), '.2)' READ(unit, FMT=udfmt, IOSTAT=iostat, advance='no') dtv%name, dtv%age, areal if (iostat.ne.0) iomsg = "Fail PWF DTthree" endif if (iotype.eq."LISTDIRECTED") then if (size(vlist).ne.0) print *, 55 READ(unit, FMT = *) dtv%name, dtv%age if (iostat.ne.0) iomsg = "Fail PWF LISTDIRECTED" endif if (iotype.eq."NAMELIST") then if (size(vlist).ne.0) print *, 59 iostat=6000 iomsg = "NAMELIST not implemented in prf" endif END SUBROUTINE prf END MODULE p PROGRAM test USE p TYPE (person), SAVE :: chairman TYPE (person), SAVE :: member character(80) :: astring integer :: thelength chairman%name="Charlie" chairman%age=62 member%name="George" member%age=42 astring = "SUCCESS" write (10, "(DT'zeroth',3x, DT'three'(11,4,10),11x,DT'two'(8,2))", & & iostat=myiostat, iomsg=astring) member, chairman, member if (myiostat.ne.0) STOP 3 if (astring.ne."SUCCESS") STOP 4 astring = "SUCCESS" write (10, *, iostat=myiostat, iomsg=astring) member, chairman, member if (myiostat.ne.0) STOP 5 if (astring.ne."SUCCESS") STOP 6 write(10,*) ! See note below rewind(10) chairman%name="bogus1" chairman%age=99 member%name="bogus2" member%age=66 astring = "SUCCESS" read(10,"(DT'zeroth',3x, DT'three'(11,4,10),11x,DT'two'(8,2))") member, chairman, member if (member%name.ne."George") STOP 7 if (chairman%name.ne." Charlie") STOP 8 if (member%age.ne.42) STOP 9 if (chairman%age.ne.62) STOP 10 chairman%name="bogus1" chairman%age=99 member%name="bogus2" member%age=66 astring = "SAME" read (10, *, iostat=myiostat, iomsg=astring) member, chairman, member ! The user defined procedure reads to the end of the line/file, then finalizing the parent ! reads past, so we wrote a blank line above. User needs to address these nuances in their ! procedures. (subject to interpretation) if (astring.ne."SAME" .or. myiostat.ne.0) STOP 11 if (member%name.ne."George") STOP 12 if (chairman%name.ne."Charlie") STOP 13 if (member%age.ne.42) STOP 14 if (chairman%age.ne.62) STOP 15 END PROGRAM test