! { dg-do run } ! Tests the fix for pr28660 in which the order of dependent declarations ! would get scrambled in the compiled code. ! ! Contributed by Erik Edelmann ! program bar implicit none real :: x(10) call foo1 (x) call foo2 (x) call foo3 (x) contains subroutine foo1 (xmin) real, intent(inout) :: xmin(:) real :: x(size(xmin)+1) ! The declaration for r would be added real :: r(size(x)-1) ! to the function before that of x xmin = r if (size(r) .ne. 10) STOP 1 if (size(x) .ne. 11) STOP 2 end subroutine foo1 subroutine foo2 (xmin) ! This version was OK because of the real, intent(inout) :: xmin(:) ! renaming of r which pushed it up real :: x(size(xmin)+3) ! the symtree. real :: zr(size(x)-3) xmin = zr if (size(zr) .ne. 10) STOP 3 if (size(x) .ne. 13) STOP 4 end subroutine foo2 subroutine foo3 (xmin) real, intent(inout) :: xmin(:) character(size(x)+2) :: y ! host associated x character(len(y)+3) :: z ! This did not work for any combination real :: r(len(z)-5) ! of names. xmin = r if (size(r) .ne. 10) STOP 5 if (len(z) .ne. 15) STOP 6 end subroutine foo3 end program bar