! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-g -fdec-structure" } ! ! Test a regression where typespecs of unions containing character buffers of ! different lengths where copied, resulting in a bad gimple tree state. ! subroutine sub2 (otherbuf) integer, parameter :: L_bbuf = 65536 integer, parameter :: L_bbuf2 = 24 structure /buffer2/ union map character(L_bbuf2) sbuf end map end union end structure structure /buffer/ union map character(L_bbuf) sbuf end map end union end structure record /buffer/ buf1 record /buffer2/ buf2 common /c/ buf1, buf2 record /buffer2/ otherbuf end subroutine subroutine sub() integer, parameter :: L_bbuf = 65536 integer, parameter :: L_bbuf2 = 24 structure /buffer2/ union map character(L_bbuf2) sbuf end map end union end structure structure /buffer/ union map character(L_bbuf) sbuf end map end union end structure record /buffer/ buf1 record /buffer2/ buf2 common /c/ buf1, buf2 call sub2 (buf1) ! { dg-warning "Type mismatch" } return end subroutine call sub() end