! { dg-do run } ! { dg-options "-fdec-structure -finit-derived -finit-local-zero" } ! ! Test -finit-derived with DEC structure and union. ! subroutine dummy(i1,r1,c1,l1,i2,r2,c2,l2) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: i1 real, intent(in) :: r1 character, intent(in) :: c1 logical, intent(in) :: l1 integer, intent(inout) :: i2 real, intent(inout) :: r2 character, intent(inout) :: c2 logical, intent(inout) :: l2 print *, i1, i2, l1, l2, ichar(c1), ichar(c2), r1, r2 if ( i1 .ne. 0 .or. i2 .ne. 0 ) STOP 1 if ( l1 .or. l2 ) STOP 2 if ( c1 .ne. achar(0) .or. c2 .ne. achar(0) ) STOP 3 if ( r1 .ne. 0.0 .or. r2 .ne. 0.0 ) STOP 4 end subroutine subroutine sub structure /s1/ integer i end structure structure /s2/ union map integer m11 real m12 character m13 logical m14 end map map logical m21 character m22 real m23 integer m24 end map map character(32) s record /s1/ r end map end union end structure record /s2/ x call dummy (x.m11, x.m12, x.m13, x.m14, x.m24, x.m23, x.m22, x.m21) print *, x.r.i if ( x.r.i .ne. 0 ) then STOP 5 endif end subroutine call sub end