! { dg-do run } ! { dg-options "-fcray-pointer" } ! Test the implementation of Cray pointers to procedures. program cray_pointers_7 implicit none integer tmp integer, external :: fn external sub ! We can't mix function and subroutine pointers. pointer (subptr,subpte) pointer (fnptr,fnpte) ! Declare pointee types. external subpte integer, external :: fnpte tmp = 0 ! Check pointers to subroutines. subptr = loc(sub) call subpte(tmp) if (tmp .ne. 17) STOP 1 ! Check pointers to functions. fnptr = loc(fn) tmp = fnpte(7) if (tmp .ne. 14) STOP 2 end program cray_pointers_7 ! Trivial subroutine to be called through a Cray pointer. subroutine sub(i) integer i i = 17 end subroutine sub ! Trivial function to be called through a Cray pointer. function fn(i) integer fn,i fn = 2*i end function fn