! { dg-do run } ! { dg-options "-fcoarray=single" } ! ! Contributed by Ian Harvey ! Extended by Andre Vehreschild ! to test that coarray references in allocate work now ! PR fortran/67451 program main implicit none type foo integer :: bar = 99 end type class(foo), dimension(:), allocatable :: foobar[:] class(foo), dimension(:), allocatable :: some_local_object allocate(foobar(10)[*]) allocate(some_local_object, source=foobar) if (.not. allocated(foobar)) STOP 1 if (lbound(foobar, 1) /= 1 .OR. ubound(foobar, 1) /= 10) STOP 2 if (.not. allocated(some_local_object)) STOP 3 if (any(some_local_object(:)%bar /= [99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99])) STOP 4 deallocate(some_local_object) deallocate(foobar) end program