! { dg-do run } ! ! Check that the bounds of polymorphic coarrays is ! properly handled. ! type t end type t class(t), allocatable :: a(:)[:] class(t), allocatable :: b[:], d[:] allocate(a(1)[*]) if (this_image() == 1 .and. any (this_image(a) /= lcobound(a))) & STOP 1 if (any (lcobound(a) /= 1)) STOP 2 if (any (ucobound(a) /= this_image())) STOP 3 deallocate(a) allocate(b[*]) if (this_image() == 1 .and. any (this_image(b) /= lcobound(b))) & STOP 4 if (any (lcobound(b) /= 1)) STOP 5 if (any (ucobound(b) /= this_image())) STOP 6 deallocate(b) allocate(a(1)[-10:*]) if (this_image() == 1 .and. any (this_image(a) /= lcobound(a))) & STOP 7 if (any (lcobound(a) /= -10)) STOP 8 if (any (ucobound(a) /= -11+this_image())) STOP 9 deallocate(a) allocate(d[23:*]) if (this_image() == 1 .and. any (this_image(d) /= lcobound(d))) & STOP 10 if (any (lcobound(d) /= 23)) STOP 11 if (any (ucobound(d) /= 22+this_image())) STOP 12 deallocate(d) end