! { dg-do run } ! ! Test that for CAF components _gfortran_caf_deregister is called ! Test that norealloc happens for CAF components during assignment ! module m type t integer, allocatable :: CAF[:] end type t end module m program main use m type(t), target :: x,y integer, pointer :: ptr allocate(x%caf[*], y%caf[*]) ptr => y%caf ptr = 6 if (.not.allocated(x%caf)) STOP 1 if (.not.allocated(y%caf)) STOP 2 if (y%caf /= 6) STOP 3 x = y if (x%caf /= 6) STOP 4 if (.not. associated (ptr,y%caf)) STOP 5 if (associated (ptr,x%caf)) STOP 6 ptr = 123 if (y%caf /= 123) STOP 7 if (x%caf /= 6) STOP 8 end program main