# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see # . # # Contributed by Tobias Burnus # Test coarray support. # # For the compilation tests, all files are compiles with the # option -fcoarray=single and with -fcoarray=lib # # For the link and execution tests, for -fcoarray=lib the # libcaf_single library is linked. Additionally, with the # required settings another CAF library is used. # Load procedures from common libraries. load_lib gfortran-dg.exp # If a testcase doesn't have special options, use these. global DEFAULT_FFLAGS if ![info exists DEFAULT_FFLAGS] then { set DEFAULT_FFLAGS " -pedantic-errors" } dg-init global runtests global DG_TORTURE_OPTIONS torture_with_loops torture-init set-torture-options $DG_TORTURE_OPTIONS global gfortran_test_path global gfortran_aux_module_flags set gfortran_test_path $srcdir/$subdir set gfortran_aux_module_flags $DEFAULT_FFLAGS proc dg-compile-aux-modules { args } { global gfortran_test_path global gfortran_aux_module_flags if { [llength $args] != 2 } { error "dg-compile-aux-modules: needs one argument" return } set level [info level] if { [info procs dg-save-unknown] != [list] } { rename dg-save-unknown dg-save-unknown-level-$level } dg-test $gfortran_test_path/[lindex $args 1] "" $gfortran_aux_module_flags # cleanup-modules is intentionally not invoked here. if { [info procs dg-save-unknown-level-$level] != [list] } { rename dg-save-unknown-level-$level dg-save-unknown } } # Add -latomic only where supported. Assume built-in support elsewhere. set maybe_atomic_lib "" if [check_effective_target_libatomic_available] { set maybe_atomic_lib "-latomic" } # Main loop. foreach test [lsort [glob -nocomplain $srcdir/$subdir/*.\[fF\]{,90,95,03,08} ]] { # If we're only testing specific files and this isn't one of them, skip it. if ![runtest_file_p $runtests $test] then { continue } # Enable if you want to test several options: # # look if this is dg-do-run test, in which case # # we cycle through the option list, otherwise we don't # if [expr [search_for $test "dg-do run"]] { # set option_list $torture_with_loops # } else { # set option_list [list { -O } ] # } set option_list [list { -O2 } ] set nshort [file tail [file dirname $test]]/[file tail $test] list-module-names $test foreach flags $option_list { verbose "Testing $nshort (single), $flags" 1 set gfortran_aux_module_flags "-fcoarray=single $flags" dg-test $test "-fcoarray=single $flags $maybe_atomic_lib" "" cleanup-modules "" } foreach flags $option_list { verbose "Testing $nshort (libcaf_single), $flags" 1 set gfortran_aux_module_flags "-fcoarray=lib $flags -lcaf_single" dg-test $test "-fcoarray=lib $flags -lcaf_single $maybe_atomic_lib" "" cleanup-modules "" } } torture-finish dg-finish